Christopher Mathies

Christopher Mathies

An Artist from Colorado, Main hobby is being a Photographer, Hopes to take it to the next level by taking college classes.

About > Activities

Christopher Mathies hat das Bild A Pathway to Adventure hochgeladen

Some paths lead to known locales, others lead to mystery.

Christopher Mathies hat das Bild The Flat Iron Range hochgeladen

Most mountains blend in on the Rocky Mountain Front Range, but some mountains leave an impression.

Christopher Mathies hat das Bild A Stormy Evening hochgeladen

Storm clouds gather while night descends on the landscape.

Christopher Mathies hat das Bild White Cherry Blossoms hochgeladen

Cherry blossom flowers blooming in the spring.

Christopher Mathies hat das Bild Winters Pine hochgeladen

A Pine tree taken at night, in the middle of winter.

Christopher Mathies hat das Bild Cherry Blossom hochgeladen

In the spring, some people will spend a lot of time looking for the perfect cherry blossom. A sign of natural beauty, and good luck.

The squirrels get up earlier than most people, This one hopes to find a quick breakfast before starting its day of foraging and lazing about in the treetops.

Christopher Mathies hat das Bild Floating on Warm Winds hochgeladen

Every morning in the spring, people flock to the skies in balloons. Adding life and color to even the smallest views of the morning sky.

Christopher Mathies hat das Bild Springtime Padgoda hochgeladen

The wonderful thing about Japanese architecture, is that it blends quite nicely with the trees that are surrounding it.

Christopher Mathies hat das Bild The Makings of Spring hochgeladen

Working off the long cold sleep of winter, the bees work to give spring it's wonderful colors and smells.

Taken during the spring of 2011 These flowering buds seem to look like fireworks. Showing how even thee little things in nature are amazing.

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