Darrell Ross

Darrell Ross

I am a portrait artist, printmaker and teacher. I am presently working on a series of drawings and prints. The Raven images are based on the poem from Edgar Poe. The Wood nymphs and other figurative works are a combination of my love for the figure on a grand scale and impressionistic painting/drawing. Some might be turned into prints.

I teach beginning printmaking, basic drawing and do portraits. Always looking for new opportunities.

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Darrell Ross hat das Bild Summer hochgeladen

This is an abstract figurative work of a female nude representing Summer. Part of a series of drawings and paintings representing different times of the year.

Darrell Ross hat das Bild Winter hochgeladen

This is part of a series of nude females representing different times of the year.

Darrell Ross hat das Bild Wood Nymph 2 hochgeladen

This is part of a series of abstract figurative works dealing with the theme of wood nymphs and fairies.

Darrell Ross hat das Bild Spring hochgeladen

This is a contemporary abstract figurative work relating to spring. Part of a series of figures representing the time of year.

Darrell Ross hat das Bild Wood Nymph 1 hochgeladen

figurative, nude figure, abstract figure, woods, tree,

Georgia, United States

As a child I spent hours, sometimes an entire day, outside, roaming the nearby woods, streams and rivers. I brought home from these journey's little bits of nature. Pebbles, stones, leaves, turtle shells, bird's nests and even the occasional live frog or salamander. Nature was my first art teacher and remains the most influential to this day. As an adult, I'm still roaming the woods and bringing home bits of this and that in my pocket.

Darrell Ross hat das Bild Girl Kissing Hummingbird hochgeladen

This is one of my "Characters from an Unnamed novel". The Hummingbird was kissing her. I never was sure if it was the red lips or the sweetness of them.

Darrell Ross hat das Bild HeartRose Rainbow hochgeladen

This is one of my iconic weeping rose drawings. Only this time I converted it into a colorful heart.

Darrell Ross hat das Bild Angel with Bowler Hat hochgeladen

This is another Character from an Unnamed Novel. A series of pencil paintings of people who have influenced me. The image here represents a friend who I considered an Angel.

Darrell Ross hat das Bild Light My Fire hochgeladen

This is one of my Characters from an Unnamed Novel. A series of portraits of people tht have influenced my life. More information can be found on my website.

Darrell Ross hat das Bild Lady of Guadalupe hochgeladen

This is a color pencil icon of the Lady of Guadalupe. I love the pensive look on her face and have tried to maintain pure color in the image.

Darrell Ross hat das Bild Awakening hochgeladen

This is a portrait of one of my Characters from an Unnamed Novel. An artist book of Color Pencil Paintings and a story of the individual depicted.

Darrell Ross hat das Bild Camper Girl hochgeladen

This is a color pencil study for a future lithograph. This is an image from my artist book called "Characters from an unnamed Novel". A semi-autobiographical story of individuals who have left an impression on me.

Darrell Ross hat das Bild Arch. Gabriel hochgeladen

This is an icon painted in egg tempera based on an original prototype.

Darrell Ross hat das Bild Saint Andrew hochgeladen

This is a icon of St. Andrew from an original prototype.

Darrell Ross hat das Bild Saint Jude hochgeladen

This is a egg tempera painting of Saint Jude from an original prototype.

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