Horst Hammerschmidt

Horst Hammerschmidt

travelling, nature, social contacts, cycling, photo postprocessing/editing

About > Activities

Horst Hammerschmidt hat das Bild Lebenskraft hochgeladen

Auch Blitzschlag und Sturm lässt den Baum nicht resignieren. Er macht symbolisch darauf aufmerksam, dass man nicht nach Schicksalsschlägen aufgeben darf. Das Leben geht weiter.

Horst Hammerschmidt hat das Bild green sail hochgeladen

Kuna indians from San Blas Islands in their boat with green sail in the red Caribbean Sea, Panama, Southamerica

Kunaindianer von den San Blas Inseln im Boat mit grünem Segel in der roten Karibik, Panama, Südamerika

Horst Hammerschmidt hat das Bild pink flamingo rock hochgeladen

sandstone rockformation in the red rock country in Utah, United States

Horst Hammerschmidt hat das Bild barricaded hochgeladen

everywhere protection, barricades, exclusion, obstruction, lonelyness

Überall Abschottung, Barrikadierung, Sperrung, Abwehr, Abschirmung, Hindernis, Behinderung, Ausgrenzung, Verlassenheit, Einsamkeit

Before dawn, when we hurried to the ferry at lake Nahuel Huapi near San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, this old yellow pick up stood on the road side and wanted to receive attention.

Born in Australia in 1982, Kareem Rizk is a Melbourne-based collage artist, illustrator and designer who graduated from Monash University in 2004 with a Bachelor in Visual Communication.

After graduating, Rizk’s creative interests began to turn to fine art and illustration, particularly mixed media collage. While working as a Graphic Designer at Melbourne’s No.1 selling newspaper, The Herald Sun, his interest in collage continued to develop and by 2006 it became a focus of his endeavours.

Since his shift of focus to fine art and illustration in 2006 and his pursuit of developing his style, Rizk has gained extensive international recognition and has been noted as one of the contemporary masters of collage, as well as one of the premier mixed media artists working today.

Working mediums include collage, acrylic, oil pastel, pencil, solvent transfers and acrylic transfers. The work is highly textured and often multi-layered with a nostalgic and weathered quality. Rizk’s works can often be vibrant with colour, while others display a very refined or minimal palette.

Working methods also extend to digital collage with a very gritty and realistic display of texture and layering. The digital work began as an experiment in blurring the line between handmade collage and digital collage.

Other work includes freelance illustration, design and art commissions for various clients including news and editorial publications, galleries, university institutes, the boutique fashion industry and the music and entertainment industry.

Exhibitions include solo shows and group shows in Melbourne, Sydney, Byron Bay, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Washington DC, Miami, London, Stockholm, Zurich, Barcelona, Madrid and Milan. Rizk's work has been published in numerous high profile art magazines and books and his work is held in private collections worldwide.

Horst Hammerschmidt hat das Bild colored waves no1 hochgeladen

colored abstract sandstone waves
farbige Sandstein Wellen

Horst Hammerschmidt hat das Bild colored waves no2 hochgeladen

colored abstract sandstone waves

On a 3 weeks bicycle holiday ride along the Saint Lawrence River and on Gaspésie peninsula in Canada I experienced a new little world. The lawn around the trailer was cut, but the trailer looked uninhabitated.

Horst Hammerschmidt hat das Bild washing on the line no1 hochgeladen

While resting in a ger camp one day during the first Mongolia Bike Challenge 2010, some surreal scenes came to my eyes.

Horst Hammerschmidt hat das Bild my home is my castle hochgeladen

along Saint Lawrence River we drove through small villages where allmost no people were seen

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