Ximena Contreras

Ximena Contreras

Cartoon artist from LatinAmerica. Likes toons from all part of the worlds and try to do the best she can always :)

About > Activities

illustrator and sculptor

"The whole is more than the sum of its parts."

Thank you all so much for the positive feedback and the friendly comments !!!

Cheri "Cheeseborger" Borgstrom is a married 20-something artist living on the East Coast of the United States. She earned a Bachelor of the Arts degree with program distinction from Richard Stockton College in 2009. In addition to her part time jobs as a florist and web publicist, she works as a freelance illustrator. To see more of her work at any time, you may visit her deviantArt page at: http://cheeseborger.deviantart.com or her tumblr page at: http://cheeseborger.tumblr.com/

Ximena Contreras hat das Bild Under the City Lights hochgeladen

Another of Francois, the kid Spy

Ximena Contreras hat das Bild Welcome to the Cafe hochgeladen

No matter if it's true or just make believe, you are welcome to their cafe

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