martino motti

martino motti

Nautical and Underwater and Travel Professional Photographer, Journalist, Boat tester.

A spot on the map, an isolated island in the ocean, a distant country which is seemingly unattainable... Western Samoa in the Pacific Ocean. A harsh land of dark rocks and steep, impenetrable forests and isolated coral coasts but sweet for palm trees, white coral sand beaches and fales, the typical local houses without walls with a roof of palm fronds. The harbour of Apia is busy of small fishing boats, large fishing vessels from Japan and decrepit commercial cargo. The Nivaga II, an old ship mixed passenger / cargo awaits us at the dock. We sailed on a fiery afternoon many years ago, the temperature is hell and smells intense, the island gradually disappears, the swelling waves of the Pacific engulf us. My wife Isabella and I are the only white people, there was no room in the cabin and inside, we'll sleep on the deck, along with dozens of local people, the glittering starry of the equatorial ocean will be our blanket and the eerie silence of the ocean broken only by the dull roar of the engine, the song of the wind and the screech of boobies will be our soundtrack. Three days and two nights' sailing, 550 miles to the north; a thin strip on the horizon at dawn is the atoll of Fakaofo, the first of three of the Archipelago of Tokelau . Certainly heaven must be like that: white beaches, turquoise lagoons, coral reefs, friendly and simple people, outrigger canoes and ancient traditions. As there is no harbor, the aluminum dinghy is carrying people and goods to and from the ship to the island: we take the opportunity to dive in the warm, transparent but absolutely unknown equatorial waters. The reefs welcome us, the first visitors as aliens, with a virgin and unspoiled ecosystem, colorful fishes, turtles, sea rays and sharks are in the carousel. The dull roar of the ocean is a primordial vibration, the adrenaline flowing liquid and boiling in the arteries. We are happy.

It 's passion that has led me to all this, the same which leads me today to photograph yachts and to continue living the sea with the same spirit of that time.

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