Torachi Lyncaster

Torachi Lyncaster

I am a 28 year old, self-taught artist, and beginner photographer. Art has always been a passion of mine, and I will always be learning and improving in all that I do. I’ve been sketching, drawing, and painting since I was old enough to hold a crayon. I work primarily with digital art, though I will occasionally experiment with other mediums, so my gallery will probably be filled entirely with digital artworks and photography.

I hope you enjoy what you see, and I am eternally grateful to all who deem my work impressive enough to purchase something from my store! Thank you!

My tools of the trade are:
-Huion H610 Pro art tablet
-Photoshop CS6
-Paint Tool Sai
-Nikon D3200
-Galaxy Camera
-Nexus 5x

“The greater the artist, the greater the doubt. Perfect confidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation prize.” -Robert Hughes

Alle Bilder von Torachi Lyncaster (2 Bilder)

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