
„Leo Tigerheart“

aus der Galerie von maanfuynn-cyllguruth
Über dieses Bild:

Leo Tigerheart, mercenary / soldier at 20 year old.

Leo is half weretiger / half human, it's why he looks like this, he is transgenic.

Bildnummer: 0370f30
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maanfuynn-cyllguruth 2011-10-24 09:00:26 UTC
(Künstler des Bildes)
Because this site is total failure, it has no forums to gather informations and to speak freely, it's like dictatorship of "following" the most people you can while having no possibility to have mass of people talking and showing what they do on a FORUM, it's just nonsense, i have not the freaking time to click to follow thousand people a day just to be seen, that system is a total and complete failure, it's like, you know, the contest of the stupidiest one that follow the most artist around, don't blame me if deviant art or any other kind of art sharing system is waaaay better than this failure of a false exposure website that only "registered" members come in.

It's nonsense and has failed at the very core of the functionnalities of it.
Gelöschte Person 2011-10-24 08:55:26 UTC
i do bother - but u're awaiting that somethings happening to u, but u don't get active by urself?!
maanfuynn-cyllguruth 2011-10-24 09:00:49 UTC
(Künstler des Bildes)
Because this site is total failure, it has no forums to gather informations and to speak freely, it's like dictatorship of "following" the most people you can while having no possibility to have mass of people talking and showing what they do on a FORUM, it's just nonsense, i have not the freaking time to click to follow thousand people a day just to be seen, that system is a total and complete failure, it's like, you know, the contest of the stupidiest one that follow the most artist around, don't blame me if deviant art or any other kind of art sharing system is waaaay better than this failure of a false exposure website that only "registered" members come in.

It's nonsense and has failed at the very core of the functionnalities of it.
maanfuynn-cyllguruth 2011-10-23 22:40:56 UTC
(Künstler des Bildes)
Don't bother with this i'm not even around here anymore, nothing happens around.
Gelöschte Person 2011-10-23 22:38:49 UTC
hey i am finishing a bigger prject (picture...) than i want to start with this. i need some hints, which colors he has to have...
maanfuynn-cyllguruth 2011-10-23 22:41:42 UTC
(Künstler des Bildes)
Don't bother with this i'm not even around here anymore, nothing happens around, i'm not believing about this system, it's stupid.
theresa-digitalkunst 2011-09-10 18:16:56 UTC
theresa-digitalkunst gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2011-09-10 18:16:15 UTC
Gelöschte Person 2011-07-23 19:40:47 UTC
i don'T need it. i work with vektor i can copy the zoomed version ;)
but in the moment i have no computer who can fullfill my needs. my pc is defect (to often reset - system file desroyed) and my laptop is old (512 mb ram ^^') but i will :)
Gelöschte Person 2011-07-21 18:16:58 UTC
i would love to color it in some month (when my pc is active again)
u only have to give me a hint which colors i should use :)
Gelöschte Person 2011-07-21 18:17:09 UTC
maanfuynn-cyllguruth 2011-07-23 19:27:44 UTC
(Künstler des Bildes)
if you want to color it i can give you the full size picture by e mail, just give me your mail by private message ! ^^ would love to see what u can do.
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