Merche Garcia

Merche Garcia

I'm a self-taught one in the field of illustration, using both traditional and digital media. I started drawing at a young age. My mother used to sign me up for the children's competitions that were held in the district, in which I got the first prize every year. However, I have not attended any art school or similar to polish my skills, decanting in my studies in the branch of science (general opinion in my environment was it wasn't possible to live off art). The last years I worked as a web developer, also doing design tasks. Recently I took up this hobby, that has never been forgotten or set aside entirely, and I intend to turn it into something more than just a hobby, although I know it will be difficult to achieve, but I think I improve every day.

About > Activities

Merche Garcia hat das Bild Halloween witch 2021 hochgeladen

Halloween witch, digital painting

Merche Garcia hat das Bild Halloween witch 2021 hochgeladen

Halloween witch, digital painting, color with lineart.

Merche Garcia hat das Bild Halloween witch2021 hochgeladen

Halloween witch, digital illustration

Merche Garcia hat das Bild Halloween with 2021 hochgeladen

Halloween with, digital illustration

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