Björn Kindler

Björn Kindler

Passionierter Fotograf seit 30 Jahren. Vertraut sowohl mit dem Analogprozess im Fotolabor als auch mit der digitalen Bildbearbeitung fühlt er sich in beiden Welten zu Hause. Er liebt es besondere Momente und Lichtstimmungen einzufangen und Altbekanntes in neuen Perspektiven zu zeigen.

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Björn Kindler hat das Bild Alpine Scenery #45 hochgeladen

A serene landscape scene dominated by a river flowing gently through a forested valley. The river, strewn with rocks and boulders, weaves its way from the foreground to the midground, flanked by vibrant greenery. On either side of the riverbank, a variety of trees, possibly deciduous and evergreens, exhibit different shades of green, hinting at a lush, diverse ecosystem.

In the background, majestic mountains rise sharply against the sky. Their peaks, rugged and possibly showing signs of erosion, tower over the valley, giving a sense of grandeur and permanence. The mountains' slopes are marked with lighter green patches, suggesting grassy areas or meadows. The sky is mostly clear, with a few wispy clouds, indicating fair weather.

The overall tone of the image suggests it may have been taken in late spring or summer, given the full foliage and the clear, sunlit sky. The composition's balance between the dynamic flow of the river and the stillness of the mountains creates a harmonious and tranquil natural scene.

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