Phil Perkins

Phil Perkins

Phil Perkins is a photographer, artist and graphic designer living in Knoxville, Tennessee, in the United States of America. He is an avid hiker who is especially fond of waterfalls, and describes his creative work as 'an eclectic collection of unusually imaginative designs'.

Alle Sets von Phil Perkins (5 Sets)

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    Waterfalls (36 Bilder)

    An avid hiker, I follow trails - and sometimes make my own! - through the Smoky Mountains & Cumberland Plateau of Tennessee, in search of beautiful waterfalls to photograph! I also travel to North Carolina, Kentucky and Georgia, in search of same. It's not uncommon for me to leave home very early, long before sunrise, so that I'm able to get the best shots. Many of my locations I visit are off the beaten trail, as outdoor recreation in this area is a very popular past-time. I hope that you will enjoy my photography, and find something special for your home, office, business lobby or public cafeteria setting. Thank you!

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    Black And White (23 Bilder)

    I've always enjoyed black and white photography, admiring the works of Ansel Adams and Henri Cartier-Bresson, for example. In this set, I'm happy to share with you my efforts to capture the monotone beauty represented in both natural settings and urban environments. I hope that you find something which conveys a special sentiment, and enjoy what I've seen - in your home, Thanks!

  • Although waterfalls are certainly one of my favorite aspects of photographing nature, there are countless scenes of beauty to be discovered - meadows, mountains, trails, sunrises, animals, and many more. This set is designed to provide such a variety for visitors to enjoy. Most of the pictures I took are in Tennessee, USA, though some from surrounding states are also included. Thanks for stopping by to enjoy my work, and I hope that you find something which interests you!

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    Science Fiction (24 Bilder)

    Science fiction, surreal and space-related designs to make one scratch their head and wonder. Stars, galaxies and other art from outer space. Both identified and unidentified flying objects. All kinds of good things to enjoy, and I hope that you find something which strikes a cord of interest. Thansk for stopping by!

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    Potpourri (13 Bilder)

    This set is a random collection of images consisting of photography, art and graphic designs...

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