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„bessere zeiten“

from the gallery of fotokunst66

Bitte auch mal in groß anschauen.

Arbeit läßt sich auch sehr gut waagerecht hängen.

Picture ID: d256790
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Chris Berger liked this artwork 2016-09-15 05:12:45 UTC
Juergen Seidt liked this artwork 2016-04-04 11:20:59 UTC
Bernd Schätzel liked this artwork 2016-01-27 10:53:39 UTC
fotokunst66 2016-01-25 16:44:07 UTC
(creator of the artwork)
Bernhard Kaiser liked this artwork 2016-01-25 16:11:22 UTC
Susanna Badau liked this artwork 2016-01-25 10:08:03 UTC
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