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from the gallery of Kuldar Leement

Culprit. This is small version of Dyson sphere what went badly wrong (maybe some "anti-dyson" fans tried to sabotage it some how - but they didn't know the consequences of this act) - this caused massive environmental collapse which forced us to underground and started overall planet desertification.

This image is also a part of Telikos Protocol sci-fi graphic novel series.

For really high quality prints, please contact me directly through my fanpage or homepage, because: Artflakes limits print files to 25mb@300dpi (which is totally fine for their maximum prints), but some artworks original files are more like 50mb@300dpi (selected prints only, like "Panau air, just cause." and "Pixelated birds").

Not all my works are available here (for more works please visit my website), so if there is anything You would like to receive as a print, then please let me know.

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Picture ID: 5b51739
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Susanne Schönberger liked this artwork 2016-01-18 15:14:59 UTC
spokeninred liked this artwork 2014-06-05 03:43:27 UTC
artistdesign liked this artwork 2013-06-17 20:28:42 UTC
Frank Siegling liked this artwork 2013-05-27 06:29:13 UTC
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