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„Flammende Leidenschaft - Liebespaare“

from the gallery of Marita Zacharias

Abstraktes erotisches Gemälde in Acryl, 100 % handgemalt und handsigniert!
Das Motiv befindet sich in dem Kunstbildband: "Erotik in der Malerei - die Macht der Weiblichkeit" von Marita Zacharias. Weitere Infos zu mir und meiner Kunst finden Sie unter

Picture ID: 6935a73
Other works of the artist
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Marita Zacharias 2024-08-12 07:20:44 UTC
(creator of the artwork)
Besten Dank für das Like zu meinem Bestseller!
Stephanie Crumbach liked this artwork 2024-08-12 06:55:38 UTC
Marita Zacharias 2024-07-31 09:11:21 UTC
(creator of the artwork)
Danke, dieses Gemälde ist mein Bestseller!
mario-s liked this artwork 2024-07-30 10:48:51 UTC
Erika Kaisersot liked this artwork 2023-06-02 18:43:55 UTC
Edgar Schermaul liked this artwork 2023-05-24 14:10:31 UTC
Janet van Rooden liked this artwork 2021-12-29 14:45:18 UTC
Helmut Witkowitsch liked this artwork 2018-01-06 12:45:39 UTC
Hans Hackinger liked this artwork 2017-05-12 06:30:51 UTC
Marita Zacharias 2017-02-12 10:11:12 UTC
(creator of the artwork)
Danke für den Kommentar! :)
Deleted Person 2017-02-08 15:24:39 UTC
This is just great!
Heinz Munk liked this artwork 2017-01-16 20:26:32 UTC
Barbara Keichel liked this artwork 2016-11-02 19:39:42 UTC
Marita Zacharias 2016-10-31 11:23:10 UTC
(creator of the artwork)
Vielen Dank an den Käufer meines erotischen Gemäldes.
Liebe Grüße, Marita
Marita Zacharias 2016-02-26 09:50:00 UTC
(creator of the artwork)
Danke, freue mich über die Anerkennung zu meinem erotischen abstrakten Gemälde.
LG Marita
Deleted Person 2016-02-16 15:30:08 UTC
wunderschön!!! Super Farbwahl!
Juergen Seidt liked this artwork 2015-08-02 17:12:14 UTC
Deleted Person 2015-01-29 21:21:21 UTC
Ein traumhaftes Kunstwerk!!!!
Marie Luise Strohmenger liked this artwork 2014-12-23 11:35:18 UTC
loewenherz-artwork liked this artwork 2014-12-15 12:54:06 UTC
hedy beith liked this artwork 2014-12-11 14:21:23 UTC
Marc Heiligenstein liked this artwork 2014-09-25 09:32:52 UTC
Marita Zacharias 2014-09-25 09:30:40 UTC
(creator of the artwork)
Es freut mich, dass Sie mein Motiv als Leinwandbild ausgewählt haben, vielen Dank! Viele Grüße, Marita

Bernhard Kaiser liked this artwork 2014-08-05 17:56:00 UTC
gwj liked this artwork 2013-03-08 19:36:50 UTC
Ralf Rosendahl liked this artwork 2013-01-07 11:46:37 UTC
Deleted Person 2012-09-14 03:58:34 UTC
Excellent in simplicity, beautifully rendered, Marita.
Marita Zacharias 2012-03-29 15:01:22 UTC
(creator of the artwork)

1000 Dank an den unbekannten Käufer dieses Bildes und viel Freude an dem Kunstwerk!


Marita Zacharias liked this artwork 2011-08-11 15:23:45 UTC
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