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„Fruit sellers in Bissau“

from the gallery of Palle Smith-Petersen

European observers will recognise most of the fruits, particularly the apples which thanks to refrigerated transport and globalisation, have spread from France and South Africa to all of Africa. The large, green fruits are jackfruits (jaca in Portuguese), Artocarpus heterophyllus.


Picture ID: b2518ca
Other works of the artist
Bfn010-12 Dk222-23 Dk350-21 532-34 539-23 2012-07-16-05904a
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Palle Smith-Petersen 2011-10-20 14:25:55 UTC
(creator of the artwork)
European observers will recognise most of the fruits, particularly the apples which thanks to refrigerated transport and globalisation, have spread from France and South Africa to all of Africa. The large, green fruits are jackfruits (jaca in Portuguese), latin name (will be filled in later).
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