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„Hörsaal 1“

from the gallery of Kai Kasprzyk

HZO 10 Bochum Ruhr Universität

Picture ID: ab12402
Other works of the artist
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Related Tags: What a pity! Actually you should here find different tags for the artworks of Kai Kasprzyk. We hope that this gap filler text will soon be exchanged for keywords short and sweet!
Tina Nelson liked this artwork 2019-03-25 18:04:58 UTC
ysanne liked this artwork 2017-08-01 16:11:20 UTC
loewenherz-artwork liked this artwork 2016-02-03 12:26:28 UTC
Franz Walter Photoart liked this artwork 2016-02-03 11:26:56 UTC
Gabriele Brummer liked this artwork 2015-06-09 07:54:54 UTC
Frank Siegling liked this artwork 2014-12-03 10:39:26 UTC
Ute Averkamp liked this artwork 2013-09-17 15:37:21 UTC
Ivonne Wentzler liked this artwork 2013-07-19 08:33:35 UTC
Ralf Rosendahl liked this artwork 2012-12-22 21:12:49 UTC
AD DESIGN Photo + PhotoArt liked this artwork 2012-04-24 18:00:29 UTC
hannes cmarits liked this artwork 2012-04-24 10:26:32 UTC
Deleted Person 2011-11-20 10:11:35 UTC
sehr schön eingefangen,klasse bild..
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