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„Kuh Paula“

from the gallery of Renate Berghaus

Kuh, Kuhportrait, Tier, Acryl, Popart, Quadrat, Malerei, Kuh Malerei, Kühe, Kühe Malerei,Kuhbilder, Güte, gute Laune, Glück, Freude, Gelassenheit, Portrait, sanft, weich, liebevoll, Kopf, Kuhkopf, Augen, Schwarz-Weiss, Blick, Nutztier, Vieh, Rind, Popart Kuhportrait, Popart Tierportrait, Ausgeglichenheit, Gelassenheit, friedvoll, grün

Picture ID: 24c3819
Poptonicart by Claudia Sauter liked this artwork 2023-09-06 13:39:07 UTC
FABIANO DOS REIS SILVA liked this artwork 2022-04-06 05:27:26 UTC
Christina von Puttkamer liked this artwork 2022-03-17 09:37:18 UTC
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