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„Rustikales Blumenflair(2)“

from the gallery of Heidrun Carola Herrmann

Digitalpainting auf Fotobasis

Picture ID: 49bcbfc
Wolfgang Pfensig liked this artwork 2016-10-11 19:52:10 UTC
voelzis-augenblicke liked this artwork 2016-03-20 22:30:52 UTC
Juergen Seidt liked this artwork 2014-09-30 16:46:54 UTC
Susanna Badau liked this artwork 2012-10-07 19:25:57 UTC
Heidrun Carola Herrmann 2012-08-02 21:17:23 UTC
(creator of the artwork)
Ganz herzlichen Dank an Kathleen Stephens .
LG Heidrun
Heidrun Carola Herrmann 2012-07-26 11:43:30 UTC
(creator of the artwork)
Ganz herzlichen Dank an alle für die lieben Likes. Es freut mich sehr, dass der rustikale Stil gefällt.
LG Heidrun
Christine Huwer 2012-07-06 06:11:32 UTC
Finde ich sehr schön :-) LG Christine
Heidrun Carola Herrmann 2012-07-07 02:12:26 UTC
(creator of the artwork)
Danke, freue mich sehr über den netten Kommentar.
LG Heidi
Christine Huwer liked this artwork 2012-07-06 06:11:05 UTC
Ivonne Wentzler liked this artwork 2012-07-02 20:52:10 UTC
Wolfgang Dufner liked this artwork 2012-06-27 18:55:09 UTC
mo08 liked this artwork 2012-06-20 15:26:50 UTC
claudias-art liked this artwork 2012-06-19 03:33:26 UTC
Deleted Person 2012-06-19 03:15:31 UTC
hervorragende Ausarbeitung mit diesem Braunton, toll gemacht,
lg Rudolf
Heidrun Carola Herrmann 2012-06-22 02:51:43 UTC
(creator of the artwork)
Lieben Dank, du treuer Kommentierer.

LG ins Össi-Land
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