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„sand dune simplicity“

from the gallery of Ed Book

early morning sidelight on sand dune crests against the sky as part of the Eureka Dunes in the remote Eureka Valley of Death Valley National Park, California, USA

Picture ID: f9e564f
Manfred Schreyer liked this artwork 2019-01-22 14:00:36 UTC
loewenherz-artwork liked this artwork 2018-12-25 11:26:24 UTC
jazzberryblue liked this artwork 2018-06-22 10:52:32 UTC
stephiii liked this artwork 2017-03-11 06:09:57 UTC
Tricia Rabanal liked this artwork 2016-05-21 09:09:29 UTC
Fernando Vieira liked this artwork 2016-02-15 09:22:56 UTC
Joao Coutinho liked this artwork 2015-12-27 00:32:42 UTC
nonsenseandrelish liked this artwork 2014-08-21 08:38:03 UTC
fraenks liked this artwork 2014-03-22 19:54:54 UTC
kiwar liked this artwork 2013-05-23 19:38:07 UTC
evgeny bashta liked this artwork 2013-05-19 18:20:59 UTC
Ralf Rosendahl liked this artwork 2013-01-04 19:24:49 UTC
Thomas Joekel liked this artwork 2012-11-28 10:10:17 UTC
florin liked this artwork 2012-11-28 09:45:22 UTC
tiaeitsch liked this artwork 2012-10-01 16:30:14 UTC
Károly Szatmári liked this artwork 2012-03-02 07:31:16 UTC
Matthias Rehme liked this artwork 2012-02-26 17:28:59 UTC
Katerina Vorvi liked this artwork 2011-10-15 18:09:28 UTC
365tage liked this artwork 2011-09-08 14:42:08 UTC
Deleted Person 2011-09-05 18:06:45 UTC
genius, love the composition.
Tanja Riedel 2011-07-20 19:35:42 UTC
Great colors
Tanja Riedel liked this artwork 2011-07-20 19:35:25 UTC
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