Ale Di Gangi

Ale Di Gangi

iPhoneographer, Polaroider, Lomographer, videographer and then some.

Born to an artistically dynamic extended family, I owe my visual education primarily to my father, a passionate photographer who taught me to shoot and film in 8mm.
He gave me my first camera when I was a child, a rare Japanese half-frame Olympus compact that I still use occasionally.

After classical literary studies, I received a University Degree in English Language & Literature and History of Cinema.

I published my first book of poetry at 19 but my interests eventually shifted towards music, graphic design and multimedia. My first exhibition/installation of poetry, photography and experimental music was held in 1987 at the avant-garde arts centre Pat Pat Recorder in Florence. A videotaped recording of the performance is preserved in the archives of the Museum for Contemporary Art Luigi Pecci of Prato (Italy), one of the most important European museums for contemporary arts.

In the late ’80s and early ’90s I contributed to several indie newspapers and magazines writing articles and music reviews. I spent the ’90s and early ’00s creating music, releasing records as an indie artist and I co-founded a small independent label.
After blogging for a few years in the early ’00s, in 2004 I opened a Flickr account and focused all my efforts to photography.

Today iPhoneography, Polaroid and Lomography are my primary interests and means of artistic expression. I have exhibited my works in solo and group exhibitions worldwide (London, Berlin, Milan, Barcelona, New York, Los Angeles, Berkley, Miami to name a few).

I also make short movies and music videos that have been screened at various Italian and international cinema festivals. Amongst these, the short film Investigations On Citizens Above Suspicions was selected and screened at the Short Film Corner at Cannes in 2009.

I consider myself an impressionist photographer, instinctive in nature and terminally curious about life and art.

All works by Ale Di Gangi (16 pictures)

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