Arthur Williams

Arthur Williams

Born in Yealmpton Devon in 1949, I was brought up in Loddeswell, a small village near Kingsbridge for the first 6 years of my life, before my parents (and I) moved to Launceston in Cornwall.
I was introduced to painting by a local Launceston artist and neighbour Barry Treleven, who taught me to paint with oils in my early years. I will always remember Barry for his fantastic paintings of his beloved Hawks.
Throughout my school years I enjoyed drawing and painting which influenced my further education at Cornwall Technical College, where I completed a Technical Illustration course which involved time at Redruth School of Art. May be this explains the technical side to my paintings today.
Education finished in 1969 when real life started. I worked for various companies as an Illustrator in the UK, Holland and Germany. Roots began to grow in Germany. In 1971 I married (in Bremen) and had started a family by 1974. 1977 we moved to and lived in Falmouth in Cornwall for the following 5 years. Although, there was no time for or interest in painting or drawing during this period it was obviously the period that influenced the Marine paintings which followed later in the 80’s and 90’s.
1982 back to Germany – to Koblenz – where I worked for a technical documentations company before becoming self-employed in 92. My interests and hobbies changed, with no water to sail on in Koblenz, the old love of classic cars returned which explains the later paintings in my gallery.
The periods of painting in my life have been few, short and far between, this because my daily work has always involved creating drawings and graphics, so that creating further artwork in my free time has not offered the variation and, therefore, not been an option.
Now in 2013 we all work with computers and a younger generation of colleagues create the computer graphics required by our clients today.
The result is that I am now getting more time to do the things that I want - so expect to see new paintings appearing from time to time.
If you are interested watch this space!

All works by Arthur Williams

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