Crystal Kepple

Crystal Kepple

I've always had varied interests. I acquired that from my mom who was extremely creative and would work on endless hobbies. Around age six, I realized I was an artist. I did such an outstanding job coloring a page in my Barbie coloring book that my older brother refused to believe I created such wonder. It was a defining moment in my life. I'm more self-critical about my art now (which I learned from both parents), but I kicked butt in that coloring book!

In college, I was one of the odd students who enjoyed the “general studies” method of class taking. I liked the variance of classes, and ended up with plenty of random pieces of information in my brain from courses in random fields. I'm still there - I paint, draw, photograph, design, find new ways to fill this mystery people call “free time.” I don't get bored. This bleeds over into other areas of my life. Unable to decide where I most want to live, my dream is to “live everywhere for a year.”

My various careers appear fairly unrelated but have given me many strengths. I've attained an endless number of transferable skills from each position, though photo editing, book design, fine art photography are among my favorites. I even enjoy the mundane tasks. (Five hours of photo composition? I'm on it! Spreadsheets? Okay!)

I am continuously learning, and I research things constantly, building up more of those random pieces of brain info. Also, I am pretty awesome at Scrabble and Clue. And Plants Vs. Zombies.

All works by Crystal Kepple (17 pictures)

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