

Geboren 1953 in der Nähe von Kassel.
Einstieg in die Fotografie Mitte der siebziger Jahre.
Wechsel zur Digitalfotografie in 2009. Seit 2005 wohnhaft in Spanien

About > Activities

hs-photography is now following Peter Benkmann


hs-photography is now following Samar Jha

A serially fickle minded confused lawyer, still in pursuit of something which he is also not certain about. But as Yoda would put it “Happens to every guy sometimes this does”.


hs-photography is now following Jutta Rund

"The whole is more than the sum of its parts."


Thank you all so much for the positive feedback and the friendly comments !!!
.............and please don't use the facebook "Like Button" !!!

hs-photography is now following Piet Flour

amateur photographer
i like to present my interpretation of beauty in a personal style and approach. I like to tell stories and search for deeper emotions

hs-photography left a comment on the picture la primavera

"Kunst gibt nicht das Sichtbare wieder, sondern Kunst macht sichtbar." --------
Paul Klee ( 1879-1940) deutscher Maler und Graphiker / Einige andere Werke von mir gibt es unter http://www.mygall.net/FR58
zu kaufen,---------------- wie schon Auguste Renoir ( 1841-1919) sagte:" Das einzige Lob, welches man einem Künstler erweisen sollte, ist, seine Werke zu kaufen ." :-)

hs-photography is now following sylvi-december

Artists are strange people. They get inspired by their own creations to make new ones. They create their own little worlds where nothing written, sang or drawn is meaningless. Artists are disturbingly brilliant people.

If you want to stay up to date with my pictures and/or make requests for specific pictures of mine to be put here, please leave me a comment at http://www.facebook.com/pages/December-Photography/176466103837 or write me an e-mail at sylvi.december@yahoo.com

hs-photography left a comment on the picture Pearls

Daniel Soriano Correa - Photographer - Santiago de Chile.

Image Composer and Photographer !


hs-photography has uploaded Kubisch

Strasse in Denia Las Rotas

Sonnenaufgang in Les Deveses mit Blick nach Denia

hs-photography has uploaded Silver sea

Morgens am Meer in Les Deveses-Denia

hs-photography has uploaded Up

Foto in einer Passage in Denia-Spanien gemacht.

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