Hubert König

Hubert König


About > Activities

Hubert König is now following Iulian Preda

What makes me different from all those photographers out there is the fact that when you choose to buy my work you will also help fight injustice, poverty, inequality, discrimination, evil corporations and nasty governments. That means that half of the profit will be donated to already established organisations like SumOfUs, War on Want, PETA, WWF etc. or some group/NGO of your wish (you just have to let me know which that is). The other half will be used to fund future work, which in turn will fund more charitable causes and so forth.
For special assignments, do not hesitate to contact me.

Hubert König is now following Tim Lee

Ich Fotografiere für mein Leben gerne und versuche mich kontinuierlich zu verbessern(man lernt nie aus)

Modern Art of Colors by Tina N.
Farben sind für mich mein Lebenselixier und diese Freude möchte ich an Sie weitergeben. Das ist meine Inspiration Wenn ich Ihre Seele mit meinen Farben erreiche, habe ich alles richtig gemacht :-)
Es würde mich sehr freuen, wenn Ihnen meine Bilder gefallen.

Modern Art of Colors by Tina N.
Colors are very important to me. They give me peace and happyness, specialy at this times!
I hope, that I can give you a little from my Inspiration and that you like my kind of Artstyle.
Thank you for following.

Hubert König is now following Volker Klau

Faszination Landschaftsfotografie

Hubert König is now following Nick Freund

I would be very happy if you would become a Patreon of mine! Your support is greatly appreciated and gives me strength and time to continue my work:
I have been a freelance photographer for over 24 years. I mostly get my motivation and creativity during the shoots. I have also been rendering fractal wall motifs for several years and have already been able to sell some through other portals. I would be happy if you like my work and give me a like. You can also find me on Patreon, flickr, facebook, youtube, twitter, instagram and website. I share my links here:

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