Johanna Fernihough

Johanna Fernihough

I have been illustrating for seventeen years.
I gained my Degree and Post Graduate Diploma in Illustration from Central St.Matins in London; I have worked for many clients big and small.
Currently I am studying for an M.A in Children's Illustration in Cambridge.
I love creating images, especially where I have the freedom to explore the composition without boundaries or restrictions.
Follow me on Twitter @jofernihough

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There`s no beginning and no end, the journey is inside us.
Be happy ! ( Mohicans )

Ich versuche bei meinen Fotos die originellen Details aus Landschaften und Natur herauszufiltern, die dem Normalo verschlossen bleiben.
Hierbei spielt das Licht eine dominante Rolle.

Die Originalität und die Exklusivität eines Motives zu entdecken ist mir dabei das Wichtigste. Eine Cam richtig zu beherrschen und qualitativ gute Fotos zu produzieren gehört als Handwerkzeug dazu, das erst genannte zu entdecken zeichnet jedoch einen guten Naturfotografen von der Masse ( auch von Profis, was noch lange kein Prädikat bedeutet ) aus.

Diese Werke sind das Eigentum von Wolfgang Dufner und dürfen nicht bearbeitet, kopiert, verändert, präsentiert, reproduziert, gedruckt, verfielfältigt oder projiziert werden. Jede Nutzung, ganz oder teilweise, ist ohne schriftliche Genehmigung des Künstlers streng verboten. Bitte respektieren Sie diesses Urheberrecht.
All Rights Reserved. These materials are NOT public domain and may NOT be edited, copied, altered, displayed, reproduced, printed, distributed, performed. Any usage, in whole or in part, without written permission from the artist is strictly prohibited. Please respect copyright and do not save or upload any images.


Brandon Friend was born in Flushing, NY on April 20, 1980. He attended The University of Maryland College Park in 1998 where he studied in the Honors Art Program and received a BA degree in Fine Art. In 2002, Friend began his professional career with two solo exhibitions in Washington, D.C and Baltimore, MD. In 2008, he received his MFA degree in Fine Art from CUNY Queens College and currently works in his Long Island City studio. Friend’s works have been exhibited in galleries throughout the United States, including Seattle, WA; Kansas City, MO; New Orleans, LA; Austin, TX; Short Hills, NJ; New York, New York. In 2011 and 2012 his works were showcased with Lambert Arts in Fountain Art Fair, NY and Fountain Art Fair, Miami. He has been featured in several print and online publications such as The Washington Post, The Knight News, Working Class Magazine, The Daily Record, The Pitch Kansas City, Radar,,,,, and

Bryony Marie Fry is an Artist and a Musician born in 1988 in the U.K. She mainly produces unique multi-media pop art depicting images of Musicians. She also cover's many other subjects including nature, vintage fashion and digital artworks. She is currently working side by side with The Princes Trust Foundation to enable her business to get off the ground. She will donate a percentage of all profits to The Amy Winehouse Foundation and The Strummerville Foundation For New Music.


My preferred method is paperwork. I’m creating collages by using different kinds of illustrations, such as newspaper, books or calendars. For this handcraft I need good scissors and glue. I’m not using digital processing in my works.

My source of inspiration is life itself. Every encounter means inspiration. To express the vital forces is my intention.

When I start a new work, there is nothing I’m thinking of, no idea. It’s a flow. My intuition is leading me.

When the work is finished, I’m always surprised of the result. It’s a journey.

Nací en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Estudio artes visuales y me dedico especialmente al dibujo, a la ilustración digital y al arte digital. Aficionada a la fotografía.

MixedMedia-Künstlerin aus Berlin.
* *
Ich verfremde und abstrahiere gerne, ich möchte die Freiheit und den Widerspruch, die Gegensätze, die einander befruchten.
- Meine Kunst gibt es als Bild(er) auf allen denkbar möglichen Materialien und in Größen bis zu 5 Metern, auch auf Shirts, Schuhe, Tapeten, Kreditkarten usw.
Bitte besuchen Sie meine diversen Internetpräsenzen für weitere Informationen zu meinen Arbeiten und zu meiner Person unter:

- (Kunst auf Tapete)

Hey there! I'm designer from Ukraine, working as freelancer. Always open to interesting projects, just let me know ;)
You may visit my blog -

photograph, which hold firmly, and what fascinated by the possibilities to enter the digital processing, the captured so again as you would like to remind, opens the possibility for arranging experienced the reality itself. I hope you have fun and enjoy my pictures

Something about me...born Estland, countryside-childhood, momentstop @ Antwerp. many creative persons,
I see things which are ignored, unseen, too everyday-ish or just not that much cared of by others...
I capture these images in my mind and try to translate them...
Eventhough i am the quiet one, my mind is doing the talking for me without many words or written lines... Images, creations, definitions of beauty, my ways...
My quiescent world mixed with yours.
Moments of simplicity.
Story of less to more.
Beauty in its various forms.

bpq by Birgit Pikkor

Johanna Fernihough is now following and979

Hello all! Thanks for being here... I hope you'll enjoy my work and my passion.
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Fotos transportieren viel Energie - Bewegungen , Vertrautheit, Romantik, Schönes, Kraft, Ausdruck, Form.
Ich versuche dies in meinen Fotos einzufangen.

Viel Spaß beim stöbern in meiner Galerie.

Johanna Fernihough is now following isabild

- programmierte Bilder -
Wie's geht?
Weitere Bilder bei

Viel Spaß beim Besuch meiner Galerien!

Johanna Fernihough is now following Sara Ligari

Welcome to my gallery and thanks for your visit.
I currently live in Milan, where I graduated in Fashion Design at Politecnico.
My illustrations are inspired from fashion and from every kind of beauty.
Contact me at

Image Composer and Photographer !


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Artflake -

In this life I shall not be more true to a fixed style. Experimenting with different styles is just too much fun.

Ich hoffe, ich kann unseren grauen Alltag etwas in Farbe versetzen.

Irgendwann kommt in jedem Leben eines Künstlers der Moment, in dem er sich entscheiden muss: Möchte ich Kunst machen oder möchte ich Geld verdienen?
Möchte ich ein guter Künstler und ein schlechter Verkäufer sein, oder möchte ich ein guter Verkäufer und ein schlechter Künstler sein?
Die Alternative 50 % Künstler und 50 % Verkäufer würde lediglich einen halben Künstler bedeuten.

Italian illustrator and comic artist, working as freelancer.
Devourgin every aspect of popculture since 1984.

[DE] Sollte Ihr Lieblingsbild im Shop fehlen oder etwas nicht funktionieren, kontaktieren Sie mich bitte über !
[EN] If you miss a specific picture or anything is not working correctly, please contact me on !

[DE] Ich kann leider nicht alle meine Bilder hier hochladen, aber wenn ein bestimmtes gewünscht wird, bitte melden, dann kann ich es auch hier einstellen.
[EN] Unfortunately it's not possible to upload all my pictures here, so if you miss a picture here, please contact me, that I can upload it for you.

Johanna Fernihough is now following inaa

{ visual artist, semiprofessional photographer and digital artist }

wandering between the worlds
germany ~ riva/tr, italy
Lia Termatzidou was born in Berlin in 1988. She studied Byzantine Iconography and has graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts and Art Sciences, specializing in Visual Arts. She divides her artistic expression between different mediums: Painting, photography, video and graphics. She participates in several group exhibitions and organizes artistic workshops in collaboration with other artists. Her subjects, mostly anthropocentric, explore the transforming power of the face - and by extension of individuality, and its association with social adaptability. She lives and works in Greece.

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