John Brooks

John Brooks

John Brooks

Successful British Artist John Brooks was educated in Bath where he majored in Art and Art history and History of Building. At 21 he acquired his first Rolleiflex 6 x 6 camera and started a progressive development of his compositional skills within the field of colour photography,

He has had exhibitions, both solo and joint of his work and was exhibited by invitation at the Arnolifini Gallery, Bristol in the "On Site” exhibition and in the Royal West of England Academy of Art open exhibition 2011.

His work entitled " A Dip in the Bridge" is currently on show at the Royal West of England Academy Autumn Exhibition amongst over 500 paintings, prints, sculptures and other works of art. This was one of the very few photographic works included by the Academy.

He concentrates on street photography and some landscape work and published his book “Hidden in View Photography” in 2011.

Any artform is a personal matter of taste and the interaction of the viewer with the subject matter. My years of study of architectural form through my work has shaped my perception of this subject. Also the artist has travelled extensively around the world since an early age. Consequently the many cultures and varieties of landscape have influenced his view of the world.

I have been particularily inspired by the work of Callahan and very much admire the work of, in no particular order, Steve Hiett, Robert de Gast, Paul Graham and Joel Meyerowitz. In the first 20 years of my work all images were created with my 50 year old Rolleiflex using Kodak VPS or Portra color negative emulsion rated at 160ASA.

Over the last five years my work has been mainly created using digital cameras and this has provided an interesting and almost instant accessibilty to me for reviewing my compositions. However, this has not in any way altered my approach or encouraged me to take more photographs. However I still use the Rollei and two 5x4 plate cameras, a Crown Graphic and a Cambo Calumet both of which are a pleasure to use.

Using an extemely light and colour sensitive camera fitted with a Leica lens has certainly made a difference in terms of the sensitivity and depth of composition which I believe is a good thing. Additionally more images now include people. I also do not believe in cropping images so you get what I saw!

About > Activities

John Brooks is now following Peter Benkmann

Lust auf Leben -
Fotos aus sinnlichem Erleben -
laut und leise -
sinnig und hintersinnig -
Hingabe und Reflektion -
Lust und Wonne -
Schmerz und Schrei -
normal und jenseits des Gewohnten -
mit Lust und Freude -

John Brooks left a comment on the picture Erleuchtung
”What a superb composition Peter, thank you for your inspiring work.“
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John Brooks is now following temponaut

photography by TEMPONAUT

best single frames and compositions of time-lapse photography series
die Besten Einzelbilder und Kompositionen aus Zeitraffer Fotografie Serien

John Brooks has uploaded Tranquility

grassed and wooded parkland at La Cambe, Normandy, France

decorative vaulted alcoved wall at Mont St Michel, Brittany, France with original mediaeval wall painting and patterns

John Brooks has uploaded the Birdsnest

Part of the structure of the Birdsnest Olympic Stadium in Beijing, China

Heritage building in Llanelli, Wales before restoration with the juxtaposition of modern materials

John Brooks has uploaded The Boatyard

upturned boats awaiting better sailing weather in Brittany, France

Vaulted undercroft supported by columns at Mont St Michel in France

John Brooks has uploaded Curved space

The interior of a French pigeonnaire in Normandy, France

John Brooks has uploaded The Crypt

Vaulted crypt and stairs to the undercroft at Mont St Michel in France

The old harbour pier at St Aubins on the States of Jersey, UK

John Brooks has uploaded The Beach

Beach and promenade at Great Yarmouth, UK with pale blue sky and clouds with shadows giving a surrealistic feeling to the scene.

the Summer Palace in Beijing, pipework passing through window of world reknown building!

Hotel and carpark in Guangdong, Southern China presenting an abstract collection of colours and shapes. Exhibited in the Royal west of England Academy of Art Spring Show in 2011.

A lone guard on duty in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China adjacent to Mao's famous peoples palace, at sunset. This picture was also exhibited at the Royal West of England Academy of Art Spring Show in 2011.

Sunbathers outside the British Pavilion in the Shanghai Expo 2010. This picture was exhibited at the Royal West of England Academy of Art spring exhibition in 2011. Also included in the book "Hidden in View".

John Brooks has uploaded Aldo's bar

A London street scene of a bar / restaurant and garage workshop door presenting an interesting and surrealistic image with variety of colours and textures.

A traditional Moscow building entraceway with the unexpected addition of a modern awning and advertising of consumer branded drinks in bright colours.

the entrance to a Polish Club in Moscow with abundant Cyrillic signage and multiplicity of colours and writing adding a chaotic feeling to an otherwise ordinary street scene.

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