Nina Niebuhr

Nina Niebuhr

The magic of the woods is my passion.
Fog covered forests and mountains hugged by clouds - In my photography, I try to capture the enchanting mood of these fantatastic moments.
Along with my photos you can find a short memory of when I captured it, join me on my journey through the magical world all around us.

I am a photographer based in Heidelberg, Germany.

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Sharp peaks and swift clouds. A dance of two very different giants.
It was a grey windy day but even on these days, the beauty of the mountains is unwavering. The sky was ever changing creating new scenes of the two lovers, mountains and clouds.

Nina Niebuhr has uploaded The Alps

The heart and soul of the Alps, all of it was layed before my eyes to adore it.

I was hiking up a steep slope, slippery with stones, chased by rain. I turned around to see what lay behind me and was in total awe - a scenery so full of calmness and beauty, everything I love about the Alps.

Fog softly hugging a the trees like water kissing the shore.
I was walking through the foggy forest for a long time on that morning. When I finally reached the mountains top, before me was a sea of fog. It was like looking into a different world, where the laws of nature were different. I couldn't wait to dive back into the magical waves before me.

A soft veil of fog, casting a spell over the forest to tranform it into an arcade of elegant thin pillars with mint green drapes of leaves.

I was chasing the fog on this morning, it was hiding from me, climing up the hill. So I followed. Leaving the track, going where it was going, chasing a ghost that was emerging, yet vanishing again. Then I found it, along with a track that would lead me home again.

Nina Niebuhr has uploaded Golden Mist

Golden tree tops covered in a beautiful sunfilled golden veil - nature was generous on this autumn morning.

Never had I seen nature around me covered in so much yellow and golden tones. A whole new world. Every shape, every tree became a magnificent statue, its beauty sometime hidden, sometimes revealed.

Nina Niebuhr has uploaded The Guardian

An old tree in the middle of an old forest, protecting the life around him, embedded in a magical foggy moment.
When I took this picture I was actually lost somewhere in the woods around Heidelberg with little idea how to get back home. Before, I had just followed whatever track looked the most enchanted and hidden and this lead me to the most magical place and moment, captured in this picture. In this moment I was at peace, feeling the strong connection to nature and the magic in the air. Luckily, I actually found my way back.

A special tree in a special moment of light and fog.

Hugged by fog, guided by fox gloves, where will this path lead you to?

Nina Niebuhr has uploaded Vibrant Haze

The colours of fog in the forest: warm bright yellow sun filled air and cold blue shadows.

The soft gleam of the sun shining through a fog covered forest.

The green of summer, covered in heavy fog. A silent dance of trees and foggy air.

Delicate Lines and sharp thorns in soft colours. A detail hidden in the fog.

A short moment, a swift changing dance of light and dark, sun and clouds, upon the rough and snow covered mountains.

Nina Niebuhr has uploaded Twin Peaks

Two gentle green giants of the italian Alps.

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