

Menschenbilder, People, Porträt, Akt, Teilakt, auch Erotik oder Fetisch
- aber auch interessante Events oder einfach die Wunder und Schönheit unserer herrlichen Natur zu fotografieren macht unendlich Spass.

Zu Zeiten der analogen Fotografie - also vor 1990 (lange her..), war ich vier Jahre Initiator und Betreiber der rein privaten Fotogalerie "KUNSTLICHT" - in München.

geb. in München
Grafik- & Foto-Designer

"Den besonderen Moment finden, diesen einzigartigen Blickwinkel .. diese eine Sekunde, welche ein Bild gut werden lässt - das interessiert unendlich.
Dies macht mir Fotografie so reizvoll und jedesmal herzhaft spannend.
Die Verbindung zu selbstgeschriebener Lyrik oder
in Worte gefasster Gedanken, lässt eine philosophische,
emotionale und auch sinnliche Anregung zu."
~nino 2012~

About > Activities

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nino has uploaded Stille - art & lyric

Stille, Gedanken, Pusteblume, Löwenzahn, Lyrik

nino is now following Renesmee Mendes

bin aus Germany
lese gerne Bücher auf englisch
und fotographiere am liebsten den Himmel, Sonnenuntergänge und Landschaften

nino is now following marinos

Vielen Dank für Deinen Galeriebesuch.
Suchst Du gema- und lizenzfreie musik für Deine Diashows,Filme,Ausstellung?Dann hör doch mal hier rein:
Cindy Sherman (Kostümierte Selbstportraits)
John Baldessari (Übermalte Fotos)
Thomas Ruff (Sterile Portraits, Architektur)
Andreas Gursky (Großformate)
Wolfgang Tillmans (Gender-Portraits)
Thomas Struth (Gruppen-Portraits, Architektur)
Valie Export (Feministische Portraits)
Nan Godin (Subkultur-Portraits)
Jeff Wall (Inszenierte Fotografie)
Hiroshi Sugimoto (Minimalistische S/W?Fotos)

nino is now following Kate Toluzakova

nino is now following Nick Freund

I would be very happy if you would become a Patreon of mine! Your support is greatly appreciated and gives me strength and time to continue my work:
I have been a freelance photographer for over 24 years. I mostly get my motivation and creativity during the shoots. I have also been rendering fractal wall motifs for several years and have already been able to sell some through other portals. I would be happy if you like my work and give me a like. You can also find me on Patreon, flickr, facebook, youtube, twitter, instagram and website. I share my links here:

nino has uploaded Ankommen..

.. ankommen und angenommen ..

nino has uploaded Menschenskind..

.. der Mensch im Leben und das Leben im Mensch ..

nino has uploaded Nebel der Zeit

.. hinter den Nebeln ..

nino has uploaded Herzwunder

.. für alles was von Herzen kommt.

Norbert Koepfer is now following Shaun Higson

Photographer from Broadstairs in the UK.

Norbert Koepfer is now following Junie de Bruin
Norbert Koepfer is now following Lois Glenn
Norbert Koepfer is now following Nuno Machado
Norbert Koepfer is now following * *
Norbert Koepfer is now following Hans Findling

16 Jahre alter Fotograf aus Deutschland.
16 year old photographer from Germany.
Deutscher Jugendfotopreis 2012.
German Youth Photo Award 2012.
Publikumspreis Photokina Köln 2012.
Visitor ́s Award Photokina Cologne 2012.

Norbert Koepfer is now following Stefano Bessoni

Stefano Bessoni was born in Rome in 1965.
He's a filmmaker and illustrator.
He frequented for a few years the course of degree in biological sciences, increasing his interest for zoology and anatomy, he then graduated at the School of Fine Arts in Rome. Even though he got away from university, the world of science and in particular the trespassing between official disciplines and expressive arts, become the core of his poetic research.
In addition to his feature films “Frammenti di scienze inesatte”, “Imago Mortis” and “Krokodyle”, he made several sperimental films, video installation fot theatre, documentaries, becoming known to critics and receiving lots of prizes at national and international festivals.

Norbert Koepfer is now following Irmak Akcadogan
Norbert Koepfer is now following chitysoyyo

Illustrator, graphic designer and toymaker from Montevideo (Uruguay). Based in Dublin (Ireland).

Norbert Koepfer is now following Avery Werner

A Portfolio:

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