Martin Bussmann

Martin Bussmann

Der röhrende Hirsch oder Nashorn im Kopfstand. Hier gibts alles von Kunst über Kitsch bis Kitz. Virtuell und originell.

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paulbangemann is now following lefeber

• meiner einer liebt kräftige Farben und ein wenig Magie ...

paulbangemann is now following widaypanca

I am a Story Writer for Comic Book & Children Book, Illustrator for Children & Adults, Comic Artist, and Cartoonist. Learned the art of self-taught. I am from Indonesia.

paulbangemann is now following Joel Meiers

Geboren am 20.03.73 in Wiltz (L)

paulbangemann is now following nightii

Heya :)

Ich heiße Jessy, bin 21 Jahre alt und wohne in der Nähe von Stuttgart.

Ich fotografiere und zeichne sehr gerne.

Bei Fragen oder Anregungen bin ich jederzeit per E-Mail erreichbar. Schreibt mich einfach an ;)

paulbangemann is now following Peter Benkmann

Daniel Soriano Correa - Photographer - Santiago de Chile.

paulbangemann is now following Norbert Hergl

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In this life I shall not be more true to a fixed style. Experimenting with different styles is just too much fun.

Ich hoffe, ich kann unseren grauen Alltag etwas in Farbe versetzen.

Irgendwann kommt in jedem Leben eines Künstlers der Moment, in dem er sich entscheiden muss: Möchte ich Kunst machen oder möchte ich Geld verdienen?
Möchte ich ein guter Künstler und ein schlechter Verkäufer sein, oder möchte ich ein guter Verkäufer und ein schlechter Künstler sein?
Die Alternative 50 % Künstler und 50 % Verkäufer würde lediglich einen halben Künstler bedeuten.

paulbangemann is now following ... teddynash ...

Image Composer and Photographer !

paulbangemann is now following derp

t-shirts, sticker and iPhone-cases & prints.
tee's, cap's, sk8boards, button's and much more.

paulbangemann is now following Bryony Marie Fry

Bryony Marie Fry is an Artist and a Musician born in 1988 in the U.K. She mainly produces unique multi-media pop art depicting images of Musicians. She also cover's many other subjects including nature, vintage fashion and digital artworks. She is currently working side by side with The Princes Trust Foundation to enable her business to get off the ground. She will donate a percentage of all profits to The Amy Winehouse Foundation and The Strummerville Foundation For New Music.

paulbangemann is now following casiegraphics

Casiegraphics is currently living in Berlin, London & Munich.
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Casie takes much inspiration from nature, the animal kingdom and marine life and drawing such is and always has been her passion. Typically armed with a camera, Casie can often be seen roaming around numerous zoos and aquariums indulging in her passion of photography. By doing this Casie aims to capture and hi-light the natural beauty and pure essence of life in each species (especially the tropical and sweet-water fishes of Asia) which she can later echo in her art. Casie's grandfather who was part of the after war informal art movement in the 40's and 50's in Germany played an instrumental role in her life. The distinct drippy and colourful experimental abstractism of his work is something which Casie has strived to sustain in her own art. Her graphic elements and use of bright colour, drips and bubble style are a result of many years spent experimenting with spray techniques and colour combinations in the graffiti scene. The distinct linear style and papercut technique was specifically developed whilst studying for her degree and this progression can be seen in her publication 'Winged Words' which was an illustrated collection of creature quotations attempting to exhibit the benefits of vegetarianism whilst also attempting to make a broader statement about morality and the treatment of animals by humans. Since her move to Berlin, Casie has moved away from papercut and now works mainly with acrylic, markers, ink, spray cans, canvas and wood. Nothing challenges Casie more than taking an ordinary object and customising it with her artwork transforming it and thus giving it new meaning.
Casiegraphics ultimate aim is to create works of art that depict the realism of the animal kingdom, marine life and their surrounding habitats in a happy, colourful, uplifting and fanciful way whilst still attempting to maintain an urban feel.

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paulbangemann is now following Judith Loske

Judith Loske wurde 1988 geboren. 2010 hat sie ihren Abschluss als Diplomillustratorin gemacht und arbeitet nun freiberuflich vorwiegend im Kinderbuchbereich.
Sie arbeitet am liebsten mit dem Bleistift und einer Mischtechnik aus Buntstift und Aquarell. Zum Schluss werden die einzelnen Bildbestandteile am Computer, wie bei einer Collage, zusammengefügt.

Judith Loske was born in 1988. 2010 she completed her degree in illustration. Now she works as a freelancer in the field of children's book illustration. She likes to work with pencils, watercolours and the computer.

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paulbangemann is now following Juan Weiss

Born in Temperley, Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1980.
Graphic Designer from the Buenos Aires University.
Loves art, animals and bikes.

paulbangemann is now following Joseph McDermott

Illustratin' and stuff.

paulbangemann is now following Nahum Ziersch

Nahum is a freelance illustrator based in Adelaide, Australia. Working in all areas of publishing, character & set designs for on-line games and TV productions. Nahum is always happy to pursue new projects and is currently on the look out for more book cover, comic and poster work. If you like what you see then please drop him a line!

paulbangemann is now following Judith Clay

Ich wurde in einem kleinen Ort in Oberfranken, Bayern, geboren. Meine Liebe zur Kunst und zum Zeichnen gabs schon immer. Deshalb habe ich Kerammalerin gelernt. Danach habe ich viele Jahre in Amerika gelebt, wo ich Literatur studierte, und merkte , dass ich auch gerne Geschichten erzähle. So entstehen auch meine Zeichnungen, die fast immer ein Teil einer Geschichte mit selbstgeschriebenem Text sind. Am schönsten ist es, wenn ich anderen mit meinen Bildern eine Freude machen kann.

paulbangemann is now following Kuba Gornowicz

Funny Stuff & CO :)

Born and living in Gdansk, Poland.

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