Peter Bundrück

Peter Bundrück

Peter Bundrück -

Reise- und Landschaftsfotografie - --

Reisen und Fotografieren sind und waren schon immer seine Leidenschaft. ---

Bereits als Kind – in den 60er Jahren – bereiste er im VW-Käfer die Türkei.
Ab Ende der 70er Jahre erkundete er dann nach und nach den gesamten europäischen Mittelmeerraum. Die sogenannte „ Ritsch-Ratsch-Klick“ war damals immer mit dabei.

Von da an erweiterte er kontinuierlich seinen Radius und seine fotografischen Fähigkeiten.

Seine Reisen dehnten sich immer mehr aus.
Mit dem Rucksack reiste er durch Süd-Ost-Asien, unter anderem die Malediven, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Burma, Laos, Kambodscha, Malaysia, Borneo und immer wieder Indonesien, das er bis zu den östlichsten Inseln des Solor Archipels erkundete.

Seinem einfachen und ursprünglichen Reisestil ist er treu geblieben, nicht aber seiner Fotoausrüstung.
Nach diversen Modellwechseln ist er bei Canon 5D MK2 und Olympus E-510 als Reisekamera angekommen.

In den letzten Jahren erweiterte er seine künstlerischen Erfahrungen und beschäftigt sich zunehmend mit der Acrylmalerei, sowie Land/Nature – Art – Projekten.

About > Activities

I'm a photographer based in Singapore.

It's all about light.

Der Herta See im Herbst .Westerwald / Hessen.

Peter Bundrück has uploaded RED GRAS

Gras spiegelt sich auf einer Wasserfläche.

Gefrorene Quelle im Winter.

Image Composer and Photographer !

Peter Bundrück is now following Linda Carlile

I am from Missouri, and I enjoy creating computer generated images of all kinds. I started with making personal icons for home computers and it went to what it is today. I am always evolving and learning new techniques.


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Peter Bundrück is now following Norbert Hergl

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In this life I shall not be more true to a fixed style. Experimenting with different styles is just too much fun.

Ich hoffe, ich kann unseren grauen Alltag etwas in Farbe versetzen.

Irgendwann kommt in jedem Leben eines Künstlers der Moment, in dem er sich entscheiden muss: Möchte ich Kunst machen oder möchte ich Geld verdienen?
Möchte ich ein guter Künstler und ein schlechter Verkäufer sein, oder möchte ich ein guter Verkäufer und ein schlechter Künstler sein?
Die Alternative 50 % Künstler und 50 % Verkäufer würde lediglich einen halben Künstler bedeuten.

Very warm December in Germany.

Wasserfall in den Spanischen Pyrenäen.

Dramatischer Sonnenuntergang im Herbst. HDR bearbeitet.

Mirror with a stick on a shiny Day.

David Alberto Hernández Palmar (Wayuu) is a photographer, videomaker, program organizer and journalist. He has produced documentaries for broadcast in Europe for Deutsche Welle and Canal Arte and has worked collaboratively on documentaries on the Wayuu such as Dalia se va de Jepira (2006). He has participated twice in NMAI Native American Film + Video Festivals, as a co-director of the documentary Owners of the Water and as a discussant in the roundtable, “Mother Earth in Crisis.”

Hernández Palmar has independently curated indigenous film programs in Venezuela and abroad. In 2009 these included the Indigenous Film Showcase of Venezuela presented by the National Cinetheque Foundation and the first Indigenous Film Showcase in La Guajira, and in 2010 a selection of indigenous films for the Manuel Trujillo Duran Shorts Film Festival. In 2009 he also programmed an indigenous film showcase in Geneva for the International Labor Organization’s meeting of experts on indigenous peoples’ rights, and organized the opening night in Barcelona for the circulating Indigenous Film Showcase: El Universo Audiovisual de los Pueblos Indígenas.

As a photographer, Hernández Palmar has participated in diverse exhibitions, receiving in 2007 the Premio Sebastián Garrido Award for Photography at the III Bienal Nacional de Artes Plásticas of Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela for his series “Iconocomunicantes,” and in 2010 he was distinguished with an Honorable Mention for his photo essay “Wayuu Life: a View From Within” by National Geographic’s All Roads Photography Awards. He was a panelist in a session of the 2010 Res Artis conference “The Americas: Independent Artistic Practices in the Era of Globalization.” In 2005 he co-founded the South American Art Company which won an IDEAS award for its innovative translation of indigenous art forms into Western fashion.

He studied journalism at the Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín and photography at Escuela Julio Vengoechea in Maracaibo, Venezuela. He has been a guest researcher at the Anthropology Department of the University of Iowa, and is a member of the advisory boards of PeruVine/PeruDigital, the Ethnographic Digital Laboratory of the University of Central Florida and the International Ethnobotanical Association. Hernández-Palmar lives in Maracaibo, where he works as an independent reporter for several publications, including the Wayuu journal Wayuunaiki.

Peter Bundrück is now following Efi Athanasiou

" My art is my universe. I try to reach the universe through my art"

nEtrino photography ©

Peter Bundrück is now following farbklecks

Painter, musican, photographer, artist, daddy and Rockabilly!

I hope you enjoy my site.

Sven Fischer

Peter Bundrück is now following Lia Termatzidou
Lia Termatzidou was born in Berlin in 1988. She studied Byzantine Iconography and has graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts and Art Sciences, specializing in Visual Arts. She divides her artistic expression between different mediums: Painting, photography, video and graphics. She participates in several group exhibitions and organizes artistic workshops in collaboration with other artists. Her subjects, mostly anthropocentric, explore the transforming power of the face - and by extension of individuality, and its association with social adaptability. She lives and works in Greece.

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