Pablo Vicens

Pablo Vicens

What a pity! If you can see this text, it means that Pablo Vicens has not given any information about themselves yet. We hope that this will change very soon!

About > Activities

Pablo Vicens is now following Achim Koerfer

Als Fotokünstler setze ich mich intensiv mit drängenden gesellschaftlichen Themen auseinander. In meinen Werkreihen inszeniere ich diese Themen in neu- und einzigartigen Bildwelten, die mit starken Farben polarisieren, zur Reflexion anregen und einen Sichtwechsel bewirken wollen.


In my work as fine art photographer I address urgently topical social concerns. In my photo sequences I expose these issues in terms of novel and compelling images of vivid and vibrant colors to polarize opinion, evince reflection and a shift of perspective.


Pablo Vicens has uploaded Toledo

panoramic view of Toledo

Pablo Vicens is now following John Thiry

An aerial view of a garage ramp, a wall and a piece of sidewalk

Pablo Vicens has uploaded Excalibur

An Excalibur car

And old german Junkers Ju-52/3m

Pablo Vicens has uploaded MIG-21

And old Russian Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21

Pablo Vicens has uploaded Mirage F1

An old French Mirage F1

Pablo Vicens has uploaded Sukhoi SU-22

An old russian Sukhoi SU-22

Pablo Vicens has uploaded 8S

a rope tied to a cleat on a wall

A streetlamp on a wall with shadow

Pablo Vicens has uploaded Crosswind

A hang glider takeoff

Pablo Vicens has uploaded Revolera

A bullfighter

people on the stands of a bullring

A country landcape with a road and a cloudy sky

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