Svetlana Nikolova

Svetlana Nikolova

Hello and welcome to my gallery! I am a self-taught artist/hobbyist of various digital programs. I try to improve every day. I think that creativity and originality are very important when creating anything. I believe that art and design must be shared and benefit the well-being and awareness of humanity. I love playing with fractals. I love bringing my feelings, dreams and visions to life. I love to create new worlds or to see this one from a very different point of view. With Apophysis I discovered an entire new realm of fantasy and beauty. It’s a fairy tale! A real treasure for a seeker! This is my secret garden of dreams. Once you get there, there is no way back. I’d like to invite you to go with me in my journey, to see things the way I do – magical, unexpected, beautiful, colorful and glowing from inside. Thanks for visiting my gallery! To see more of my art, please visit my Facebook fan page:

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