tina karolina stauner

tina karolina stauner


About > Activities

For me everything began with the love for traveling and the wish to ban the unknown and fascinating - people, landscapes, situations - in pictures. Meanwhile I am a freelance photographer working in the fields of people and fashion as well as nature and urban/ urbex. Whats left is the love for strong composition and mostly decent colours. And I like the little strange, absurd and bizarre things for their beauty.

tina karolina stauner is now following objowl

Fractal artist

I have lots of art I've created over the past few years that I have not yet uploaded to ArtFlakes but can be viewed at www.coroflot.com/marydolan or www.marydolan.imagekind.com. I am happy to upload anything from those portfolio sites to ArtFlakes anytime...Just contact me!

About Me....
I often find myself inspired by nature and other uniquely beautiful elements that I come across in my everyday life. I explore that inspiration through sketching and photography that I can further embellish and manipulate in Photoshop and Illustrator. I hope to one day be involved in the creation of textiles due to my love of pattern making.

The uneasy coexistence between human populations and the natural world interests me as a photographer. I lived for many years in coastal southern New Jersey, where I was drawn aesthetically to the ordered pilings, decaying buildings and piers, dune fences, structural debris, and kitsch of my seaside town. Deeply influenced by Michael Kenna’s work, I came to favor long exposures in low light as I examined the interaction between wind, waves, salt, and the human footprint. I recently relocated to the San Francisco Bay area, where I look forward to exploring my new environment. I am particularly intrigued by the ambiguous quality of everyday objects encountered at the water’s edge between twilight and dawn, and the tension between the elements and human expectations of permanence and control. I have come to think of the images as "melancholigraphs".

For more information please visit http://www.dougsmock.com

Illustrating today, with yesterday's memories

Alexandros Papalexis uses the collage technique on a large scale, in order to create many of his illustrations. Apart from the photography material (which is in many cases very old), he uses prints, symbols, letters, historical machine designs, maps and his own natural designs. We could maybe say that he uses his own childhood memories, but he doesn't stop there. One could say that within his every work, design, typography and photography are running through the centuries with a sense of romance and nostalgia for everything that has been lost and is no longer around us (apart from some that are being kept in museums). Above all, it is clear from his work that design has been evolved through the centuries in the most important language in this world, the language of heart, imagination, sensitivity and change.


In 1991 Alexandros Papalexis graduate the Department Of Graphic Arts and Design in Athens since then he is working as graphic designer, illustrator and as a type designer.
-There are hundreds of CDs and music collection designed by him. For example he has collaborate with music companies like EMI-MUSIC, BLUE NOTE RECORDS, EMI-CLASSICS, UNIVERSAL, VIRGIN, SONY-MUSIC and singers like MIKIS THEODORAKIS, MANOS HADJIDAKIS, THANOS MIKROUTSIKOS, GARRY BARTON, MIMIS PLESSAS, XARIS ALEXIOY, MARIA FARANTOYRI, GIORGOS DALARAS, DULCE PONTES and many others.
-He has also worked as art director in magazines and as an illustrator in the books industry.
-He has collaborate for the design of cultural events for The Greek Festival, The Athens Concert Hall and for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
-He has created corporate identities for many companies
-2009 he won in EVGE designs awards the praise for creating three sample lists of special papers for the company Chartorama. The paper sample books include the international houses paper: ZANDERS, ARJOWIGGINS, ZUBER-RIEDER. Specific papers were all implemented. The printing processes for the emergence of exceptional abilities.

Designing typography characters
Since 1998, Alexandros Papalexis has been cooperating with the top greek typography designing company Parachute, and until now he has been working with 10 typefaces from its catalog. Along with Panos Vasileiou, he has been responsible for several promotional activities of the company's fonts (catalogs, flyers, poster, t-shirt) in the Greek, but also in the international market. The last 4 years, the company has been awarded with an equal number of European awards.

Lust auf Leben -
Fotos aus sinnlichem Erleben -
laut und leise -
sinnig und hintersinnig -
Hingabe und Reflektion -
Lust und Wonne -
Schmerz und Schrei -
normal und jenseits des Gewohnten -
mit Lust und Freude -

travel, nature, photo, analog, peace, love, yoga and cats.

Abstraction, assembly, stop on images, details, fragment, colors, movement, low speed, construction, cutting, outline are my favorites themes.

Riki has worked primarily in the world of publishing illustration. Since the beginning of his professional career in 2000 he has illustrated more than twenty books. He has done press illustrations, as well as coordinating the illustrations for many magazines. He co-founded and co-edited the illustrated magazine Garabattage in 2001, and founded and edited the publication project, Fràgil.

He has also created posters and book covers, as well worked as a graphic designer. He has illustrated CDs for some musical groups, worked on animation projects, created the scenery and designed the wardrobe for operas, and is the artistic consultant for a contemporary dance company.

I'm a German artist and trained ceramic painter with a degree in Comparative Literature, working primarily in ink, pastels and colored pencils. Creating pictures is my life, and keeps me sane. There is nothing more rewarding for me than getting lost on the page and story of a new drawing. I like to think of my pictures as little "escapes" from reality where it's possible for fish to fly and for girls to ride on sea horses high above the city. I have been published in online and actual art magazines, and participated in exhibitions within Germany.

Welcome to my Gallery and thanks for your visit!
I am a german Graphic Designer and mom living in Malaysia.

My art is completly digital. I use vintage photos, old pictures and illustrations, tare them apart to create a new image. I am inspired by surrealism, fairy tales, folklore and medieval times.

Proffessional photographer and digital artist from Sweden.

Also visit me at: http://silversprej.se

Professional artist - pictorial art, theater artistic director.


Stefano Bessoni was born in Rome in 1965.
He's a filmmaker and illustrator.
He frequented for a few years the course of degree in biological sciences, increasing his interest for zoology and anatomy, he then graduated at the School of Fine Arts in Rome. Even though he got away from university, the world of science and in particular the trespassing between official disciplines and expressive arts, become the core of his poetic research.
In addition to his feature films “Frammenti di scienze inesatte”, “Imago Mortis” and “Krokodyle”, he made several sperimental films, video installation fot theatre, documentaries, becoming known to critics and receiving lots of prizes at national and international festivals.

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