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„Pilze aus dem Zuchtpaket“

from the gallery of Hartmut Binder

Pilze aus dem Zuchtpaket?
Du glaubst es nicht, wie leicht das geht.
Und wie gut sie schmecken,
da kannst du Dir die Lippen ...

Mushrooms as a package deal?
You don't believe that it is easy,
but it is, and now be busy
and be aware of a fine meal.

Picture ID: ea6a307
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175287 Gaensebluemchen1 167849 111-020 Spargelchenorton Sb-7216
Hartmut Binder 2016-12-12 23:51:21 UTC
(creator of the artwork)
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Edgar Schermaul liked this artwork 2016-12-10 15:52:48 UTC
Bernhard Kaiser liked this artwork 2016-11-23 17:14:31 UTC
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