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Beate Zoellner
Beate Zoellner ist seit 2004 selbständige Fotojournalistin und Buchautorin. Zuvor arbeitete sie rund 20 Jahre als festangestellte Redakteurin bei diversen Printmedien und für eine TV-Nachrichtenagentur.
Fotografische Schwerpunkte sind die Landschaften ihrer norddeutschen Heimat, dabei ganz besonders die Insel Sylt. Weil sie bei ihren Fotostreifzügen oft von ihrer Mops-Hündin "Hilde" begleitet wird, rutschte der kleine Vierbeiner mehr und mehr in den Fokus und drängte sich so als zweiter fotografischer Schwerpunkt in das Portfolio von Beate Zoellner.
All works by Beate Zoellner (61 pictures)
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner -
from the gallery of Beate Zoellner