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Evi Gasser
Jahrgang 1972, verheiratet, glückliche Mutter von Rosa und Emma, lebt und arbeitet als freischaffende Grafikerin und Illustratorin in Kastelruth (Südtirol - Italien). Sie hat bereits erfolgreich mehrere Kinderbücher illustriert. Ihre unverwechselbaren Figuren findet man auf Adventskalendern, Werbeplakaten, Glückwunschkarten, sowie in Sagenbüchlein und Malheftchten. Kleine und große Acrylbilder schmücken bereits viele viele Kinderzimmer.
All works by Evi Gasser (41 pictures)
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser -
from the gallery of Evi Gasser