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Henrik Spranz
Photographing landscapes is a passion which I will follow for a long time.
The more the restlessness inside myself is growing the more I need these moments in nature where the time seems to be standing still.
Landschaften fotografisch einzufangen hat für mich seinen ganz besonderen Reiz. Oft schon hat man sich gedacht: diesen Moment gilt es so einzufangen und beim Betrachten der Fotos im Nachhinein vermisst man genau diesen speziellen Moment, diese spezielle Stimmung. Bei manchen meiner Fotos ist es mir aber vielleicht gelungen das zu transportieren.
Der frühe Morgen ist der Freund des Landschaftsfotografen und ich habe dort - ganz allein in der Natur - schon fast meditative Momente erlebt und ich möchte die trotz des frühen Aufstehens nicht missen.
All works by Henrik Spranz (58 pictures)
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz -
from the gallery of Henrik Spranz