Ted Helms

Ted Helms

Ever wonder what monsters do when they aren’t being shown terrorizing us humans? I did, and realized, they are probably a lot like us, with similar needs and wants. My artwork is an exploration of monsters taking part in activities generally very different from their typical representation, expressing their humanness.

I have always been interested in fantasy art and spent much time doodling and sketching during my youth. Then life happened and work took precedence for many years. Fortunately, nothing stays the same forever and I found myself with the opportunity to reconnect to my art. This reconnection has fueled a strong desire to create work that inspires and excites me. And as a great added benefit, people’s response to my artwork has been very positive, ranging from those who appreciate the skill used to create the image to those who truly enjoy the subject matter. I sincerely hope people enjoy the images, regardless of the reason, and, maybe, take some time to think about those who have often been vilified or looked down upon in a fundamentally different way.

About > Activities

The dragonfly child loves having fun jumping in puddles after a good rain storm. The fantasy child image illustrates a young dragonfly jumping into a Spring rain puddles showing that it doesn’t matter who you are or what you look like having fun is a universal desire. Painted using acrylic on canvas this fantasy art image shows a dragonfly girl child in the middle of a jump playing after a rain.

A supernatural creature juggles three skulls as a test of skill and a release from boredom. The fantasy creature art image illustrates a supernatural being juggling skulls in a strange place in an attempt to entertain itself. Painted using digital software this fantasy art image shows the supernatural creature entertaining itself by juggling three skulls.

This orc cyclist leaning his road racing bike hard into a corner in an effort to win the race. The fantasy creature art image illustrates an orc cyclist taking a corner as fast as he can to separate himself from all the other bike racers. Painted using digital software this fantasy creature art image shows the orc cyclist testing his bike racing skills to the limit, knowing that he has to go hard or go home.

A lizard man warrior makes a takedown in a wrestling tournament making his own opportunity to win the match. The fantasy creature art image illustrates a lizard man warrior in the middle of a wrestling tournament match taking down his opponent. Painted using digital software this fantasy creature art image shows that this lizard man’s hard work paid off by recognizing and acting on the opportunity to takedown his opponent during their wrestling match.

Exploring the world is a great way to expand your life views and this young naga has decided to explore her world by traveling to a new place. The fantasy art image illustrates a young naga traveler picking up her baggage after arriving to start her new adventure. Painted with acrylics on canvas board this fantasy art image shows that everyone, even monsters like this Naga, can grow and learn by exploring the world around them.

This boggart Christmas story is a lesson about why you should think twice when your peers pressure you into doing something. The fantasy art image illustrates the story of a young boggart realizing that letting his peers talk him into sticking his tongue to a frozen pole during Christmas time was a bad idea. Painted with acrylics on canvas this fantasy art image demonstrates the power of peer pressure and its ability to get people to act in ways they normally wouldn’t, such as the Christmas story of this young boggart sticking his tongue to a frozen metal pole.

Racing, like life, can be exciting, but also dangerous and this goblin ox rider is doing his best to hang on tight and enjoy the ride. The fantasy art image illustrates a goblin rider racing an ox past a gathering of onlookers. Painted with acrylics on canvas board this fantasy art image shows racing is popular and can be enjoyed in many forms including watching a goblin ox rider using all his strength to hold on as his ox thunders past the stands.

Disaster can strike anywhere and at any time. This bugbear is heroically rescuing a child from the disaster that destroyed the building behind them. The fantasy art image illustrates a hero bugbear saving their child from a terrible disaster. Painted with acrylics on canvas the fantasy art illustration shows that being a hero or villain depends on your point of view. Bugbears are typically viewed as villains, but this little bugbear certainly sees the adult as their hero.

This hyena music player is losing himself in the piano music. This fantasy art image illustrates a hyena creature or gnoll playing piano and escaping into the music he’s creating. Painted with acrylics on canvas board the fantasy art image shows that music is an escape that allows you to lose yourself in the beauty of the moment.

Some days are harder than others, and this red fairy was going to drink a glass of wine to relax from hers, but decided drinking straight from the bottle was faster. This fantasy art image illustrates a magical red fairy winding down from a stressful day by having a drink of wine. Painted with acrylics on canvas board the fantasy art image shows that everyone has hard days and some magical fairies get their decompression and relaxation from drinking red wine the same way many of us do.

This struggling trio of motley monster musicians just got their first jazz gig and are making the most of it playing proudly from the room’s corner. This fantasy art image illustrates a musical trio made up of a goblin playing saxophone, a mountain troll on bass, and an orc playing guitar at a social party. Painted with acrylics on canvas the fantasy art image shows that, like many struggling musicians, this monster jazz trio finds their own rhythm working where they can, and playing music for a social party isn’t a bad place to work.

A wererat shredding a snowy mountainside with his snowboard wearing bright yellow shorts and a green button up. This fantasy art image illustrates a red-brown wererat carving snow while snowboarding. Painted with acrylics on canvas board the fantasy art image shows that, like many others, wererats really like hitting the slopes and shredding powder with their snowboards.

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This fish man father is having some autumn fun giving his children a wheelbarrow ride across the lawn. This fantasy art image illustrates a fangfish man pushing a wheelbarrow with his children across their lawn in early fall. Painted with acrylics on canvas board the fantasy art image shows that these fish people enjoy fall by spending time and playing with their children.

This dark fairy gardener happily tends the plants in her lush enclosed garden. This fantasy art image illustrates a dark fairy gardener using a garden fork to work the soil in her small backyard garden. Painted with acrylics on canvas board the fantasy art image shows that some fantasy creatures, like this dark fairy, release stress and improve their happiness by working directly with nature in their garden.

A time-lapse video of this painting:

These two orcs are playing gladiator football and it looks like the one with the ball is getting ready to score. This fantasy art image illustrates a game of gladiator football being played by orcs on a dirt field where one orc is trying to tackle the other. Painted with acrylics on canvas board the fantasy art image shows the exciting energy of two orc gladiators, each striving to win their football game by playing as hard as they can.

Goblin girls just want to have fun and what’s more fun than dressing up and dancing your heart out. This fantasy art image shows a young goblin girl dressed up as a ballerina dancing in front of an old crumbling wall. Painted with acrylics on canvas board the fantasy art image captures that moment when the goblin girl dancer leaps in the air expressing her unique point of view to everyone watching.

An elephant man walks his dogs down a park path in the rain so they can get their daily exercise. This fantasy art image illustrates a stalwart elephant man walking his dogs on a rainy day down a wet park path enjoying nature. Painted with acrylics on canvas board the fantasy art image shows monsters, like this elephant man, care about their pets and are willing to sacrifice their own comfort to make sure their companions are taken care of.

Having a good time is universal and this alien is having a great time roller skating down the walkway. This fantasy image shows a yellow alien roller skating in a park plaza having a great time. Painted with acrylics on canvas board the fantasy image illustrates that having a good time is a common desire and even strange yellow aliens with spiked hair can enjoy themselves with just a pair of roller skates and a flat surface.

This German kobold is getting away from the mines and having some fun at the local skate park riding his kick scooter. This fantasy image shows a skate park where a red kobold miner flies out of a skate bowl doing a one handed tail whip with his scooter. Painted with acrylics on canvas board the fantasy image illustrates that, in spite of their reputation, kobolds do enjoy getting out occasionally to have some fun shredding the local skate park.

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