Paul Cooklin

Paul Cooklin

July 2012 - LondonArt Feature - view website
July 2012 - Featured Professional Photographer at Ilford Photographic - view website
June 2012 - Cuba Collections - Citylab - view website
June 2012 - EMERGE Gallery - view website
June 2012 - Q&A with - view website
May/August 2012 - Second Floor Studio Arts, London - view website
April/May 2012 - Group Exhibition - Berkeley Gallery, London. Curated by ArtPlatform - view website
February 2012 - ANALOGY: Arax 60 by Citylab - view website

November 2011 - A collection of images at Gallery 1839, London - view website
October 2011 - Interview with Photoshelter - Featured Photographer - view website
October 2011 - 'Cuba - on film' Solo Book Publication - Curated by CityPulse
August 2011 - 'Inspriation Speaks' - Book Feature - Produced by ArtPlatform
March 2011- The International Analogue Photographic Society - Featured Image
March 2011- Farmboy Fine Arts - Featured Artist
March 2011- Book Front Cover - 'Den 4 Parallellen' By Kjetil Johnsen - (Composite Digital Art)
March 2011- Book Front Cover - 'Derby Day' by D.J. Taylor - (Composite)
January 2011 - National Geographic Online Portfolio - view website

October 2010 - Collaboration with ArtPlatform Charity - Artist Spotlight
September 2010 - The 'Collections' - Featured Photographer at PurePhoto
June 2010 - Fine Art Exhibition - Gallery Violet - Limited Edition Photographic Prints
May 2010 - Featured Photographer by Professional Film Processing Lab, Peak Imaging
May 2010 - FILE Magazine - ‘A Collection of Unexpected Photography’ - Venice
April 2010 - Book Front Cover - 'Angels & Demons' by Dan Brown - (Composite)
April 2010 - Book Front Cover - 'A Reliable Wife' by Robert Goolrick - (Composite)
April 2010 - POR CHILE - Book & Print Fundraiser by CITYPULSE
February 2010 - Latina Magazine - Assignment, Cuba
February 2010 - CITYPULSE Project

October 2009 - Indigo Art - Front Page Feature
November 2009 - TIME Magazine (Photography)
July/August 2009 – IEEE Computer Graphics – Front Cover (Digital Art)
July 2009 – FILE – ‘A Collection of Unexpected Photography’ - Calm
February 2009 – BBC’s QI with Stephen Fry - Featured Image (Digital Art)

May 2008 – Snap Magazine – Editorial Interview - Collection: Flora
July 2008 – Saatchi Gallery - Invitation to exhibit online (Digital Art & Photography)

May 2007 – City Life Magazine - Featured Image (Digital Art)
April 2007 – Picture Business - Feature with Frames4Corners (Digital Art)

About > Activities

Paul Cooklin is now following lefeber

• meiner einer liebt kräftige Farben und ein wenig Magie ...

Paul Cooklin is now following larike

Zeichnen, malen, digital fotografieren.

Paul Cooklin is now following Peter Benkmann

Photography by Lena Weisbek -
Photographer with a preference for "abstract"
Lena’s photography expresses a passion for the natural and man-made design of the visual world around us. Her eye is on the lookout for the silent Images, a still, sensuous visualization of the play of space, light and matter. She discovers the beauty in the banal of mundane everyday life and abstracts them to the very essence. in effect they are flowing forms....
These works are produced through experimentation with camera and light, so it often makes visible that which is usually hidden to the naked eye. This way "painted with light" abstract artworks are at the same time so relaxing and contemplative.

Flowing forms are visible everywhere, even if there is no water... whether in the Landscape photography or the realm of her Botanical works, or in the Architectural photography. Sometimes melanchoic, sometimes joyous and sometimes wistful, this artistic beauty is transcending the intellect.. The approach of the abstractions is always to make visible, the emotions and to evoke emotion and transendence by inspiration. The conversion of complex forms to flowing visual poetry invites the viewer to dive within and feel one’s own interpretation of the work. ....................

Please visit

Designerin und Fotografin mit der Vorliebe für Abstraktion

Lena Weisbek fotografiert mit Leidenschaft und ist auf der Suche nach langsamen, stillen Bildern, einer melancholisch- sinnlichen Visualisierung von Raum, Licht und Material. Sie entdeckt das Schöne im Banalen und Alltäglichen und abstrahiert zu ätherischen, fließenden Formen. Die Werke entstehen während des Experimentierens mit Licht , die Kamera macht sichtbar, was für das menschliche Auge normalerweise verborgen bleibt. Ihre auf diese Weise "mit Licht gemalten" abstrakten Kunstwerke wirken entspannend und kontemplativ zugleich.

Fließende Formen sind überall sichtbar, auch wenn kein Wasser da ist... ob in der Landschaftsfotografie, im Macrobereich, oder Architekturfotografie. Sie alle verwandeln sich durch den melancholischen Blick in sehnsuchtsvolle Schönheitsbilder. Der Ansatz ihrer Abstraktionen ist stets, Emotionen sichtbar zu machen und zu evozieren. Die Wandlung von Formkomplexen fordert den Betrachter auf, einzutauchen und ermöglicht ihm zugleich seine eigene Interpretation des Werkes.

Daniel Soriano Correa - Photographer - Santiago de Chile.

Paul Cooklin is now following ... teddynash ...

Image Composer and Photographer !

Paul Cooklin is now following duesenberry

dazed by photography

Chairs, The Royal Palace Gardens, Paris, France, 2010
Canon A1, Ilford Delta 100

Paul Cooklin is now following Silvia Ganora

Welcome and thanks for having a look at my portfolio!

I'm an Italian emerging photographer. My interests range from traditional photography (black and white, landscape, abstract...) to digitally manipulated imagery.

Through the use of textures I try to convey to the viewer the sense of mood and drama I originally caught when I first pushed the shutter.

More infos and images on my site. Please don't hesitate to contact me for any requests you may have regarding my works. Just e-mail me: silvia.ganora [at] gmail [dot] com .

Thank you!

Old Courtyard, Havana, Cuba, 2010.
Hasselblad 500cm

Railway Guard, Mid-Suffolk Light Railway, 2009.
Hasselblad 500cm

Lighthouse, Havana, Cuba, 2010.
Hasselblad 500cm

Rain, Havana, Cuba, 2010
Hasselblad 500cm

Rowing Boats, Dedham Vale, 2010.
Hasselblad 500cm

Beach Huts II, Dawlish Warren, Devon, 2010.
Hasselblad 500cm

Rocks, Combe Martin, North Devon, 2011.
Hasselblad 500cm

Sea Groins, Lynmouth Beach, North Devon, 2011.
Hasselblad 500cm

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