

My name is Joe. I am born in 1974. I am a handycapped person. I have a hemiparesis and a visual field defect on the right.

Nevertheless i photograph free hand, that means without a tripod.

I started making photos when i was seventeen. First analog but after a short time i switched on digital photography.

It's not the bombastic life, instead the simple thing of life that interested me. The simple situations, simple behavior, simple structures, just the simple life.

I am thinking in pictures. When i see something interesting to photograph, appears on my mind as a picture and i make a photo.

So, let us see if you can imagine what appears on my mind.

Architecture of photography means opposite
wich lets appear men, animals, objects and behavior
in a light of new perspectives.

Archtitektur der Fotografie bedeutet Gegensätzlichkeit
die Menschen, Tiere, Objekte und Verhaltensweisen
in einem Licht der neuen Perspektiven erscheinen lässt.

All works by pictures-from-joe (1272 pictures)

Images per page:  24 | 48 | 96
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