Dr. Renee Fabbiocchi

Dr. Renee Fabbiocchi

My name is Dr. R. Renée FabbiOcchi, an Italian artist painter, philosopher, instructor and neuro-linguistics expert with international qualifications and many years of experience abroad (England, France, Africa, USA and Japan).

During my early years I was privileged and happy to be selected as a student of Professor Fulvia Celommi (Student of Natalino Sapegno), a renowned expert on Dante Alighieri. Subsequently I studied under Gabriella Micks La Regina (D`Annunzio University of Pescara) who appointed me to carry out research and who selected me for a scholarship at Warwick University. This enabled me to continue working on my doctoral thesis entitled “UT PICTURA POESIS: The Painting and Poetry of Dante Gabriel Rossetti”.

London's British Museum gave me permission – for purposes of research – to copy letters written by D. G. Rossetti. These missives, imbued with his spiritual energy, inspired me to take up my own creative path as a poet and painter. In Munich I had the honour of presenting several of the theories pertaining to my projects to Professor Seitz (Munich Academy of Art) and Andreas von Weizsächer.
In Paris I studied both at the Sorbonne and the Collège de France (Roland Barthes) to gather various historical information (ARTE UNIVERSALE ).
In order to investigate and further experience the energy of these ideas, I decided to travel to Japan to learn Japanese calligraphy – Shodo - from an old Samurai.

At the age of 26 I changed my name to “Renée”, in honour of Magritte, deciding to dedicate my life to art in accordance with his mystic painting “La Mémoire”.
From 1998 to 2006 I founded a small museum in Munich called Museo dell'Anima with its Bank of Spiritual Values (www.fabbiocchi.com), thus providing a forum in which art could exist independently of capitalist principles.
As a painter and doctoral researcher with international experience, I have developed several theses. Two of these have turned into books and workshops:

This work was written for my son and for all children in order to explain the origins of our spiritual nature through colour. In 1995, the Stellina concept was first used in a workshop for children in Munich's well known art museum, the Lenbachhaus. This workshop now takes place on a regular basis in international museums and schools. A video of the workshop is available for viewing (filmed by Bavarian Television), and has been shown at the United Nations Palais in New York in 2009.

This project centres on the identity of our spiritual natures. It intends to remind us of our true identities by transcending everyday situations and behaviour, reaching a higher level of awareness through art. Using some of my paintings, together with 21 others by selected and loved artists (Leonardo da Vinci, Kandinsky, Giacometti, Klee, Kimura, Magritte, Twombly, Schiele, Hundertwasser, Modigliani, Miro`, Chagall, Munch, Warhol, Kiefer, Fontana, Arp, Monet, Matisse, Rothko and Balthus) assistance and support is provided to people who find themselves in times of personal crisis.

My theories and concepts are the result of the energy I have dedicated to years of philological research centering on the subject of microcosms and macrocosms.

“Artists are wiser than others, not only because they possess technical skill, but because they recognise the source of and the reasons for their works”
(Quote from Aristoteles' essay on metaphysics)

This ties in with my own conviction that artists carry ethical and aesthetic responsibility:
The word ART can only be applied if the artist truly feels part of a divine and harmonious cosmos (“la grande macchina” according to Leonardo da Vinci) and feels impelled to pass this ENERGY on to others.
It is my innermost desire to spread this love for universal art and human nature. I welcome all suggestions and greatly value all offers of support, which I encounter on my journey. Please contact me for any question.

Thank you

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Achieving Ethereum, delivering oneself to divine flow and and recognizing it’s being It‘s he highest condition desired by the greatest masters.

A of A.More, Love, is the bottom part of the hourglass.
Without the nourishing upper part (A-inverted) love cannot benefit from universal breathing.

When the body realizes to be linked to divine forces it loses its gravitational limits and becomes a flowing medium entity.

What happens after life? This question touches all of us. Staying connected to your cosmic roots during life time and being conscious about your origin and end,
guarantees eternal rebirth.

On this art work of Co- & Cono-Scienza (Consciousness and Knowledge) we observe that Stellina with her own cosmic roots helps to be balanced in everyday life.
Even if we all have to face terrestrial difficult realities (violet area) we always can be nourished by our cosmic origin.

Investigating the upper celestial levels all these forms are unknown to the human eye. Making them visible means setting goals for human evolution.

Rhythms, light rays and hourglasses are emerging in the highest sky layers. A sense of inner peace and gratefulness is spreading.

In the highest realm you can find the harmony of the hourglasses reunited enjoying divine bliss.

Following Dante’s rolemodel, the red area symbolises the
„Inferno“ with all human suffering. To evolve from this gravitational
condition, it’s critical to jump over (“Salto Quantico”) reconnecting to higher
breathing spheres.

In the highest Dimension of the Universe Soul Power gather together...

STELLINA shows the souls roots and in Japanese the Kanji of CHILD & SCIENCE.

A spiritual Vision of LIFE on earth in a CIRCLE of SOULS

With PENTAGRAM structure a simple GRAPHIC of Colours & Notes.

Den WEG des Bewusstwerden mit der Noten der MUSIK!

As human beings we all have a mission on e.Art.h. Sometimes though, due to injustice and abuse of power, our inner sound is inhibited.
We have to overcome this world diseases to express our purest being.

Poison, gas and other toxic substances can be transformed under specific circumstances. They are the CONDITIO SINE QUA NON for research, evolution and transformation to LIGHT.
Thus, I wish to exhibit this vital relation.

Here different Levels of Human Condition between Micro and Macrocosmos. Like Dante Alighieri, I recognize the importance of Spiritual Evolution.
"Fatti non foste a viver come bruti, ma per seguir virtude e conoscenza."

Hoffmannstahl Statement "We should be loved exactly as we do love"... inspired me to paint Gian Lorenzo Bernini Angel representing this deep WISH

An Hourglass in front of my selfportait meaning the Importance to pour the TIME/ESSENCE in an immortal Dimension...

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