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Sandra Vollmann
Sandra Vollmann Photo Moments & Sandys Art & Weise Kunst & Fotografie © My Art .-)
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Photo Moments make Memories with Love to Photography - Shootings and More .
Hallo bin Geb. in Hamburg – Blankenese -
Wohnhaft seit längerer Zeit im schönem Hessen -
Nähe Frankfurt am Main . Mit Familie und Vierbeinern.
Fotografie & Digitale Foto Bearbeitung & Digitale Malerei sowie traditionelle Techniken.
SETS : Tiere, Landschaft & Natur, Impressionen ,Blumen ,Architektur,
Street Art , Details , Industrie Art , Black & White, Fassaden...
Hier schon einiges in Fotografie & Digital Bearbeitung für Freunde / Bekannte / Hundebesitzer / Pferdebesitzer / Weiterempfehlung :-) zu meiner Freude umsetzen dürfen .
Und auch die
Malerei sowie Zeichnungen: In Pastell, Aquarell, Acryl, Digital Hand Painting begeistern mich.
Bedingt auch durch meinen Vater der einiges in Digital Art sowie in Öl gemalt hat.
Wie mein Opa Berufsmaler in Stralsund war .
Hier habe ich schon einige Auftrags Arbeiten seit 2000 anfertigen dürfen ;-).
Sets : Pferde / Hunde / Menschen
Schnuppern stöbern erwünscht :-)
Natürlich freue ich mich wenn, My Art / Motive
Ihre Wand schmücken dürfen.
Einige inzwischen zu meiner Freude in : Italien, Frankreich ,Germany.
In diesem Sinne Sandra
Fotografie & Bilder/Zeichnungen sortiert nach Sets :
Kontakt - Fragen - natürlich unverbindlich - Keine Scheu ;-) :
Sandra Vollmann
Sandys Art & Weise Art & Photography ©
Art is the strongest form
of individualism,
who knows the world.
(1854 - 1900)
Hello am Born in Hamburg - Blankenese
And always b ...
Sandys Art & Weise Art & Photography
Art is the strongest form
of individualism,
who knows the world.
(1854 - 1900)
Hello am Born in Hamburg - Blankenese
And always fascinated by photography:
Pictures of animals, landscapes, impressions, flowers,
Street Art, Details, Black & White ... catch hold.
And the
Paintings and Drawings: pastel, watercolor, acrylic, digital handpainting inspire me.
Feel Browse welcome:-) Of course I'm happy when My Art / motives may perhaps decorate your wall.
In this sense, Lg Sandra
Photography & pictures / drawings by sets:
All works by Sandra Vollmann (844 pictures)
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann -
from the gallery of Sandra Vollmann