“Back to the Future” art project

Nope, we’re not talking about the cult film from the 1980s here – but about the absolutely wonderful project of Irina Wernig, called “Back to the Future“. Wernig had always had a passion for old photographs, she writes on her homepage. And then, someday, she had the idea to invite several people to reconstruct pictures from their childhood.

A simple but stunning idea, isn’t it? So we look at the mop of curly hair – twenty years older, though – who tries to copy an old yearbook picture with his nerd glasses and a tooth space. Or take Matias, who stumbled around the beach nakedly as a toddler – 33 years later a lot of chest hair has been added, but he is still good at featuring this slightly manic expression. Hats off, Miss Wernig, we say. Enjoy browsing around her wonderful picture project!